Recent content by whitruss

  1. W

    Removable Background For Vivarium

    i did removable backgrounds for my terrarium, i made normal foam background and inserted in them "...
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    DIY rain attachment

    very nice, im trying to do one just like that, what kind of pump are you using? and what does the needle compression valve do?
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    Fertilizer... Yum

    what kind of fertilizer you use in your plants?
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    Cheap methods of getting nice looking "branches"?

    so after treatement no one ever "paints" thry branches? there isnt a way to protetc them and make then last? :|
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    Cheap methods of getting nice looking "branches"?

    hm its because ihave a big branche i wanted to use for center piece buti rly wanted to keep him nice..
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    Cheap methods of getting nice looking "branches"?

    after you clean then and put boild water over then (instead of bake in oven) dont you need to "paint" them with anythng? to protect from humidity?
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    natural logs

    burn it down you say? :D but would it resolve the problem, wont the fungus appear once i have my setup running with water and higher temps? when i say paint i meantsome kinda of acrylick based polish or something like that
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    natural logs

    hey everyone! so long story short, i have a natural branch that i was planning on using as suport in my terrarium, i washed it with water/bleach and then put it under boiled water, now after some time in my garage i found that it has begun to develop some kind of fungos in the parts there were...
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    Custom Eight Cage System

    :eek: you are my hero! amazing work!
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    feeding on weekends

    ok! thank you!! to water issues im constructing a raining system and will have it with a timer so it will go on every 2 hours or so, in the day. ill get a larger reservoir for weekends and i think it will be enough to keep the humidity, but i will test it first.
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    feeding on weekends

    thank you dudes! and yes im thinking of getting a veiled
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    feeding on weekends

    so if i leave dubias and mealworms on theyr container, over a day, my cham will be able to feed himself? i should estimulate that behavior since start then? in terms of age, how developed should it be so it can have no problem? can anybody help? thank you
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    right thermostat

    helo everyone im looking for a thermostat to my terrarium, i have a ceramic ir heat emiter, 150w and a 75 or 100w bsking light. i would like one that allowed me to control the temperature day and night, i think they are called double entry thermostats but im having trouble finding one...
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    feeding on weekends

    for temperature im chosing a thermostat to control it (still need some references) and for water, a driping system controled by a timer ( ill have a large resorvoir enough for 2/3 days)
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    feeding on weekends

    yes i was thinking in going on saturday moorning and returning sunday afternoon/night the insects i was planing to leave on the terrarium "free" would be dubias and worms, no crickets. and when i say "free" i say in theyr plastic container so they wouldnt escape. other question would be if...
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