Another update. Both seem to be doing fine. The female is ballooning up again. Not sure how much longer she's got until she might lay, but I am watching her carefully. It might be sooner than I thought because she was roaming the floor. She weighs about 5.8g. Trying to add in some lessons...
Thanks for the info. I made sure it was moist the entire time, just with a basic touch test if it would stick to my finger, but didn't realize how they were different, I had looked for vermiculite but didn't see any at Home Depot, and I wanted to stick them in some kind of substrate as soon as...
Sorry to update and say that the babies didn't make it. The smaller one died suddenly after a couple days after not eating, and the other one also refused to eat for over a week and appeared to have eye problems.
I believe it was a failure to thrive, and that is likely a result of either...
This may not be recommended, but I didn't notice any sweating at this time, but with mine, I noticed the vermiculite was dry, even though the rest of the cups and sponges were wet.
So I put a very small amount of water directly into it, to moisten up the substrate, and he hatched within a few...
A couple notes.
The first one seemed to have trouble opening his eyes yesterday and was rubbing them against stuff, but had them opened by the end so, hopefully it's nothing to worry about.
I should have buried the second egg a little more, I watched him struggle for a while to get out, I...
Second egg is hatching! He has been coming out all day, very slowly.
I was actually surprised this one would hatch. The egg was a little smaller than the other one, and also was leaking something oozy when I moved the egg to the perlite a couple weeks ago.
The other one moved around a bit...
Thank you so much. It's out of the egg and sleeping on a leaf in that closed plastic shoebox. I'll update throughout the week.
I got some Melanogasters earlier today, and ordered some pinheads. I'll probably raid my isopod enclosures for some babies and hopefully that will more than suffice...
Found some more eggs. One was viable, as shown by the baby below. It was not like that last night. Now I'm in a bit of a panic as I did not expect it to hatch and so soon. I have it in a temporary bin and I'll leave it alone in there for the day as I get supplies and as it hatches. I think I'll...
The chameleons seem to be doing fine.
Unfortunately, I found a single dead egg, and none others yet. I do not know how long its been laid. I'm going to assume it was her first ever clutch. The good news is that it means I must be doing something right, the bad news is that I'm doing something...
I am lucky in that they both seem to be doing fine. When I got them, the male had his eyes closed a concerning amount, but now I'm not as concerned. He is still the more shy of the pair. The female has grown quite a bit, although I haven't weighed them in a while. I can still tell them apart...
Oh yeah, I noticed my male refused the waxworms also, maybe the BSFL and other worms. I know he's been eating something, but not actually sure what.
I haven't tried crickets yet. I'll try and get some soon. I've just been scared of escapees because of my living situation.
Thanks. I started...
So I've had them for almost a couple months now. They seem to be doing good. The female is growing fast, but I was most worried about the male.
Food for them I've thrown in there include mealworms, waxworms, waxworm moths, black soldier fly larva, a black soldier fly, and some small mystery...
A quick update: I weighed them both a few days apart and their weight increased slightly. Didn't weigh them on arrival, but still seems like promising news and I have seen them both eat.
Thank you. @Mendez
Looks like I guessed correctly on their gender. She seems much smaller and younger than the other, so I guess I missed out on any wild babies from her.
I'll have to find some good branches. I had a cute little pitcher plant that was growing nicely, but took it out for...
A few months ago I posted a list of plants that can be found in Madagascar. Mostly ignored that list and and turned it into a generic terrarium with the hope that I'd be able to put some Brookesia in it eventually. It's been growing for a while now. A front opening 40 gallon.
On Saturday I...