Recent content by Zakiyah

  1. Z

    Female or Male Panther Cham?

    Wow she is gorgeous!. Thank you so much for all the information. I tried getting an automatic mister but water was going everywhere so I just ordered the mist-king, some days she does seem to poop more orange than white but they are not very soft. I also just got more live plants, water seems to...
  2. Z

    Female or Male Panther Cham?

    Thank you 🙏, Im so glad there are people out there like you to support us new parents! I greatly appreciated. I’m still deciding, sometimes they do something that just makes it their name.
  3. Z

    Female or Male Panther Cham?

    Thank you! And yes I agree too, honestly I didnt know nothing about how difficult it was. At the Reptile Show, the guy said, after they spray just spray it and the cage 5 times a week. Made it sound so simple until I researched a lot, with the help of the chameleon academy. I’m having a hard...
  4. Z

    Female or Male Panther Cham?

    Thank you! I havent decided yet since just a couple days ago, after all the research I did, I found out It might b a female. I might emd up naming her shemeley or sheleon lol Im not good in names. I’m definitely new to this! Thank you so much for the links.
  5. Z

    Female or Male Panther Cham?

    im new to this, and a little afraid with all the research I’ve done about females and their eggs, but you gotta love what you have no matter what! ❤️
  6. Z

    Female or Male Panther Cham?

    Thank you so much.. will do!
  7. Z

    Female or Male Panther Cham?

    Thank you, sways me that way too!
  8. Z

    Female or Male Panther Cham?

    Female or male Panther Chameleon? I bought (him/her) in a reptile show, just hatched on 12/22 and the breeder said it was a male but the more I research, the more I feel like its a female…
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