My Critters


Avid Member
Here are some pictures of my Veiled Chameleons, Delilah, Darwin, and Leopard Gecko, Clementine, and my 3 Red Eared Slider Turtles, Cabbage, Bubba, and Peeko, also my Pearl River Map Turtle, Puddle.

Enjoy :)
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Can't forget the fuzzy! :)

Heres my fuzzy :) hes the one and only puppy that we kept out of the litter this summer. I will try and get some decent pics of the parents.
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That's a lot of Red-Ears! I hope you are preparing for when they get BIG. I had 2 females before one was about 16" and the other was 12".

I have a Painted Turtle and Peninsula Cooter now.
That's a lot of Red-Ears! I hope you are preparing for when they get BIG. I had 2 females before one was about 16" and the other was 12".

I have a Painted Turtle and Peninsula Cooter now.

I only have three right now. I used to have 8 i think but i had to downsize. They are a blast to take care of, they are always trying to get out to get to me. haha

Your animals look happy and healthy. Very nice thanks for sharing :D

thank you very much! I love each and everyone of them :D
See what you did, now I have to post new pictures of the whole gang. Lol! I just pulled most of them out and took pictures... My male Crested Ace got out last night (stupid cat) and when I pulled him out to take pictures, I noticed he had blood and scratches on him.:(:(:(:( I feel so bad... Cats are curious and I should have been more careful. He's doing fine and they look to be more scratches than actual puncture wounds. Anyway, i'll be posting some pictures later in the day. Your gang is awesome!:)
See what you did, now I have to post new pictures of the whole gang. Lol! I just pulled most of them out and took pictures... My male Crested Ace got out last night (stupid cat) and when I pulled him out to take pictures, I noticed he had blood and scratches on him.:(:(:(:( I feel so bad... Cats are curious and I should have been more careful. He's doing fine and they look to be more scratches than actual puncture wounds. Anyway, i'll be posting some pictures later in the day. Your gang is awesome!:)

Awesome can't wait to see pictures Gabby! :) and I hope that your gecko is alright! my cat doesn't bother my chameleons. and thanks a ton! :)
See what you did, now I have to post new pictures of the whole gang. Lol! I just pulled most of them out and took pictures... My male Crested Ace got out last night (stupid cat) and when I pulled him out to take pictures, I noticed he had blood and scratches on him.:(:(:(:( I feel so bad... Cats are curious and I should have been more careful. He's doing fine and they look to be more scratches than actual puncture wounds. Anyway, i'll be posting some pictures later in the day. Your gang is awesome!:)

Cats can be so bad for that, i don't leave my cat alone with my reptiles. She gets locked out the room i keep them in when i go out just to be on the safe side. Hope your little crestie will be ok, poor thing.
Cats can be so bad for that, i don't leave my cat alone with my reptiles. She gets locked out the room i keep them in when i go out just to be on the safe side. Hope your little crestie will be ok, poor thing.

Thank you... He's just so curiouse! This is the first time something like that happens and certainly the last. I'm REALLY lucky he's not the type of cat that likes to kill things. He'll play with crickets and bugs but won't actually kill them...= / All my my tanks have locks on them but this one is a 10 gallon tank tilted on it's side. I have the tank against the side of the other tanks but last night when I misted the gang, I forgot to turn it back around. :( Stupid me!
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