Hi everyone I cant believe what Ive found today decided to completly strip my Accuminatus viv as i wanted to replace the cover on the Flexi theyre in. To my amazement I found a clutch of 5 eggs then another 4 eggs then a third clutch of 4 eggs Im so happy!! Ive had the pair approx 13months I think, not sure when the eggs were laid one clutch looks fairly new they are about half the size of the other 2 clutches, they all look really good lovely & white. The temps have been preety warm at the moment soil temp has been 24degrees during the day still getting a good nightime drop thou, for the last 3weeks or so weve had a heatwave here in the UK. Ive decided to leave the eggs were they were laid as both my incubators Im using for other cham eggs are being kept cooler, so thought it would be best not to change the temps they had been used to. Does anyone know how often they normally lay so I have an idea when to expect babies? Thanks so much Heatherxxx