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  1. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    Thank you so much!
  2. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    Todays update: Bubba is a sassy stinker today. All puffed up and hissing. I got him to eat 3 super worms and 2 crickets + 5ml of water. Hes living underneath his uvb bulb and I'm taking him outside for about 10 min twice a day to get sun. Attached are pictures of said Sassy Stinker. I even got...
  3. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    Thank you so much!! ❤️ Hes turning into a fighter! When hes calm I've noticed he's yellow and when hes po'd hes brown.
  4. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    Morning! Hes getting a little personality this morning! 🤣 this big guy is so cool! I'm working on getting a proper house this week :)
  5. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    Thank you! ❤️ I turned on his light this morning and he looked offended that i peeked in on him 🤣 he's got a little personality
  6. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    Thank you so much ❤️ I've been worried sick the past few days that i would come home from work and find him laying like the other day when i first saw him. They told me he was skittish at the store and I'm just not seeing it....
  7. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    He is the best handsome boy. He just lays on my arm and looks around. No hissing and one growl. Hes turning back yellow from the brown :)
  8. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    Friend I wish, I'm in Monroe, Louisiana. I truly appreciate you ❤️
  9. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    Well, good news! Bubba has eaten 3 crickets and had his vitamins today! He sure put up a fight so I'm hopeful!❤️ he was a happy yellow when i got home and changed to po'd brown.
  10. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    I'm hoping he will. He escaped out of his box last night and we found him under the birdcage. He's got spunk
  11. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    Thank you so much! I truly try to be a good person. It's the animal house in west monroe louisiana. When i look at him on the box he's curled up over the uvb lamp, so i hope that's a good sign. I'm going to try and take him to the vet on my day off or after work as soon as i can get him in to...
  12. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    Thank you so much!! He decided to escape from his box today and hide under the birdcage. I told him to keep that up! Still trying to get him to eat and drink
  13. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    Thank you so much! No one is close to to me, the closest is 6 hours away but I'm going to try and see how my little fundraisers work and make it happen!! ❤️❤️
  14. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    Oh my gosh thank you! I feel so embarrassed now. I'm definitely taking him to another vet for a second opinion. I'm just raising the proper funds to do so.
  15. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    Funny thing! I JUST called the store to ask all of that and this time i was told all we can tell you is that it's an adult male chameleon. They will not call the breeder like they said or tell me anything else. I told them that is animal cruelty.
  16. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    I honestly thought about it but don't know where to start. I told them i wouldnt be back after they gave me a punch card and said 'please come back for your other pet needs' i blocked them on the fb and I'm telling everyone i know.
  17. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    Thank you so much ❤️ I truly appreciate your help. I need all the helful advice i get get.
  18. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    I dont have one at the moment, would a large box be more suitable?
  19. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    I have a large, tall terrarium that i was keeping a tarantula in. (Tarantula has been moved to a temporary apartment, he was not impressed) I'm currently trying to get a more suitable envornment for the chameleon. I have a towel on the bottom. Mister is on. Temp is at 82°F.
  20. hlabloul

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    Oh im sorry! They told me at least 2 years old.
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