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  1. R


    Update My little one is growing stronger every day! How do I know when I can stop forcing him to drink and eat? Do chameleons drink from a bowl or what? How do I feed him? I have dead crickets that I have been force feeding but should I just leave some in the tank to see if he'll eat? Thanks...
  2. R


    So we have made it 3 days. I have made a cricket slurry with calcium shake mixed in. I got a UVB light for 12 hours of exposure and a basking light for 12 hours. Im still having to force food and water down him. He is moving around more but is still holding his head. I took an xray and you can...
  3. R


    I am a Certified Vet Tech and one of our clients dumped a veiled chameleon on us and wanted him euthanized because he has stopped eating. The vet I work for looked him over and diagnosed him with MBD but that's all she knows. We are a small community and don't see a lot of reptiles. He or she I...
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