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  1. FesterFang

    Baby Cham sleeping during day ? Help?

    My 3 month old female naps during the day so i dunno..
  2. FesterFang


    But then I noticed that Arwen(my 3 month old female veiled) going to the bottom of her cage also. Maybe they just go down there to go to the bathroom??
  3. FesterFang

    Just some pictures of Rowan

    I was kinda hoping Rowan was a boy,so I wouldn't have to deal with 2 females laying eggs :(. But all well,shes fat and healthy so it works.
  4. FesterFang

    Just some pictures of Rowan

    I've tried,but she wont cooperate but I had her sexed,no bumps on the feet. Her mother has a tall casque also.
  5. FesterFang

    My veiled Luie and my dog Red

    awesome pictures!
  6. FesterFang


    So,last week I took Rowan to a friend of mine who breeds chameleons,and he said it didn't look like she was carrying eggs but it can be hard to tell sometimes. Well last night she was restless and exploring the bottom of the cage.. She's been hanging out towards the bottom of the cage on...
  7. FesterFang

    Just some pictures of Rowan

    Rowan and her many perks haha. She decided to help me email pictures from the phone to my computer,and crawled on the phone as if she were saying "ok give me that damn thing,you're done!"
  8. FesterFang

    What age should colours show?

    My 3 month old female veiled is usually always a bright green,or bright green with dark green striping,and my 5 month old female veiled is usually brown,or tan.. I would just give it time and it'll show :D
  9. FesterFang

    Newest pic of Zazu.

    wow great coloring!
  10. FesterFang

    Interesting observation

    I guess,I keep my water warm also,but my small girl loves water! Rowan puffs up like I insulted her or something..I'm just glad to see that she isnt dark brown all the time anymore. But she does get pissy if I don't let her on my face..
  11. FesterFang


    Yea,my small 3 month old girl likes to stay either bright green in her cage,or green with dark green stripes like a tiger,and is like that all the time,my other one tries to blend in only using shades of brown and tan with small hints of green
  12. FesterFang

    Interesting observation

    So,I noticed something today,when I mist my cham cages,Rowan runs away from the water,and immediately goes to the basking spot to dry off,whereas Arwen does rounds around her cage to get her whole body even more wet! Rowan is doing good,she's rarely darker than a tan color now,she was tan and a...
  13. FesterFang

    Show me your veileds!! :)

    Rowan loves the blanket,she doesn't go very high,where Arwen will go to the very top haha.
  14. FesterFang

    any keepers in or around jackson, missouri?

    I live in the st.louis area,and exotic arc has some cool stuff,they have veiled babies/juveniles and sell crickets and cricket supplies for cheap. plus you can see the other cool stuff they have (like the snakes and lizards haha).. also tropical has a big variety of artificial plants and...
  15. FesterFang

    Show me your veileds!! :)

    Rowan likes to try and climb my face,and eye the cricket cage to see whats going on haha.
  16. FesterFang

    Show me your veileds!! :)

    Thanks! Arwen is so dainty,and Rowan is usually trying to jump from my hand onto my arm or something to get up to my head lol,she likes to get up and go,and Arwen likes to just slow down and move with more grace.
  17. FesterFang

    Show me your veileds!! :)

    Little Arwen climbing my hair,and the follow the leader up my arm and onto a blanket on the wall with Rowan and Arwen
  18. FesterFang

    Show me your veileds!! :)

    Rowan,my usually brown girl,has decided to go tan and yellowish today. :D
  19. FesterFang

    New Veil-One color

    haha yea she power naps during the day in her plants,and when she sleeps at night its on the sides of her cage. Rowan sleeps at the top of the plants or stretched between two plants haha
  20. FesterFang

    New Veil-One color

    Well,the very end is dead,so only a few centimeters,but everything else in regards to her tail is healthy and normal. Where I shop for reptile supplies and new critters is also a breeding shop,and the owner usually buys stuff off us if he doesn't have it. So when needed I can go to him for an...
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