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  1. JSkelt

    Advice Request: Need to leave town for a few days, require automated Misting Systems

    Hi Everyone! New chameleon owner, have a 5mo. old Jackson who is doing extremely well. Being new to chameleon ( but not reptile ) ownership, homeboy is currently living in an ExoTerra 18x18x24 glass enclosure, which requires a lot of diligence on my part to maintain an optimal environment. He...
  2. JSkelt

    First time chamaleon owner, looking for feedback and advice

    Mr. Lahey Update Thanks Henry66! I've moved to a 100% potted live plant situation. Hibiscus and two varieties of dracaena. He definitely seems much happier! And the live plants are really helping to keep humidity levels high as ambient temps are beginning to fluctuate wildly. Got...
  3. JSkelt

    First time chamaleon owner, looking for feedback and advice

    Thanks Henry66! Will certainly rethink my branch and foliage setup to give him a bit more vertical climbing room and places to hang out in. I did actually buy a few more chameleon-safe plants but didn't want to overcrowd. Was unsure of proper balance, so thanks for your advice! I limited the...
  4. JSkelt

    First time chamaleon owner, looking for feedback and advice

    Hey There! Long time snake / reptile owner, first time chameleon owner. Have been interested in getting started with chameleons for a while, and decided to start off with a Jackson which was available and captive bread at the best reptile shop in my area. He is a male sub-adult roughly 4-5mo...
  5. JSkelt

    New Member, Hey Everyone!

    Long time reptile hobbyist, first time chameleon owner in Northern NJ, USA. Have kept various pythons, boas, dragons, iguanas and such over the years since i was a little kid with success. Always kept as pets, never a breeder, just like to give my homies the best home I can provide...
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