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  1. reptileskin8D

    I'm not sure if this is right. Please help. Gut load question.

    Thank you for your reply! I checked out Vita-Bugs site and it's interesting. I will keep mine simple. I live on a farm anyway and usually go to the local farmer's market regularly so fresh veggies are best for my Dovah and I. I do catch myself staring at my feeder crickets. They're fun to...
  2. reptileskin8D

    I'm not sure if this is right. Please help. Gut load question.

    Hi guys! I keep fresh carrots, orange slices, dark greens and zilla gut load cricket & insect food in the bin with the feeder crickets at all times. I feed my Dovah the Jackson's in the morning. How long do the nutrients stay in the crickets? Would I need to separate the crickets to feed my...
  3. 24616.jpg


  4. Looking into the light.

    Looking into the light.

  5. reptileskin8D

    Need help on UVB lighting issue, please!

    No problem at all. I will order an extra. That's a good idea. I appreciate it. Thanks again!:D
  6. reptileskin8D

    Need help on UVB lighting issue, please!

    Thank you for the response! I just fed him crickets and was also worried with the digestion without the UVB light.
  7. reptileskin8D

    Need help on UVB lighting issue, please!

    Hi everyone! My UVB light just went out! I had a 26w Reptile UVB100 from exo terra. I have to order one online since I can't find it anywhere on this island. It might take a few days to arrive. How long can my Jackson's chameleon go without the UVB light? In the morning, there's...
  8. reptileskin8D

    Please help me identify my chameleon.

    Thank you, very much! I can finally rest! Have a good one!
  9. reptileskin8D

    What are your chameleons names?

    My Jackson's name is "Dovah". "Dragon" in the dragon language. (Skyrim, from the Elder Scrolls series)
  10. reptileskin8D

    Please help me identify my chameleon.

    Sorry, I forgot to add a pic of Dovah.:eek:
  11. reptileskin8D

    Please help me identify my chameleon.

    Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum. I've read lots of threads and they've been very helpful, so thank you! I was wondering if anyone can help me identify the sex and subspecies my "Dovah" belongs to. I know it's a Jackson's, but other than that, I'm confused. I've read that female Jackson's...
  12. "Dovah" waiting for me to refill the dish with crickets!

    "Dovah" waiting for me to refill the dish with crickets!

  13. Dovah's cage measurements: 24x20x54

    Dovah's cage measurements: 24x20x54

  14. My Jacksonii xantholophus, male, 10 inches or 25.4 cm.

    My Jacksonii xantholophus, male, 10 inches or 25.4 cm.

  15. 24253.jpg


  16. 24248.jpg


  17. The plant is a live Areca palm.

    The plant is a live Areca palm.

  18. My better half and I made this cage in two hours.

    My better half and I made this cage in two hours.

  19. My little "Dovah"...sleeping.

    My little "Dovah"...sleeping.

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