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  1. Kitty

    Skin Necrosis?

    "Fecal Description - She defecated yesterday morning. At first is was liquidy, kinda cloudy. Then it became more solid (but still mushy) white and yellow, then brownish. She has never seen a vet before." That's about it. That was after I got her to drink the day before that a lot. Her...
  2. Kitty

    Skin Necrosis?

    Skin Necrosis? - New Photos Cage Info: Cage Type - Glass, I recently changed to it after using a mesh enclosure. Lighting - I don't know the brand or model. I know it produces UVA & B rays. Around 9am-7pm her light is on. It is about 6" from the top of the cage. Temperature - Cage Temp...
  3. Kitty


    The age of my chameleon is unknown, she is 7" long. And I know adult Jackson's chameleons get about 9-13" is length. I did think she was gravid for awhile around the beginning of January-February. When they bought her she was in a cage with a male and another female. She would run around in...
  4. Member Album by Kitty

    Member Album by Kitty

  5. Emmie


  6. Kitty


    Hello, my name is Dena. I'm a chameleon owner a few days shy of 4 months. I received chameleon in the beginning of December as an early Christmas gift. Needless to say, I was excited, but unknowledgeable. My chameleon is quite the handful, as any other chameleon. Unfortunately, she recently has...
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