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  1. O

    Strawberry Pacman Frog

    so adorable!
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    uh-oh battle royale

    Upon researching Chameleons and hitting up the local pet stores to see what supplies they have to offer, the husband discovers the Uromastyx. I think he's leaning towards this lizard because it's primarily an herbivore, and "it looks bad-ass!" hahaha. So I guess some more thinking and discussing...
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    not for beginners...

    As for being a beginner, the closest I have been to owning a reptile is avoiding the gardner snakes with the lawnmower. I'm getting pretty comfortable with the responsibility and shake-up to my normal routine, but now, we are on a search to establish a lizard-sitter, we don't take overnight...
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    not for beginners...

    thank you everyone! I did think that it wouldn't be fair to the poor "beginner" lizard as I would just be counting down the days till the Cham could move in (not the same house of course). We do think we narrowed it down to a Panther. We are going to take it slow though. Get the...
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    not for beginners...

    thanks! The vote of confidence is comforting, and I immediately googled vets in my area but perhaps reptilover has a recommendation, looks like we are in the same area ;)
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    not for beginners...

    Through a lot of my research on how to care for a Chameleon, I keep seeing that Chameleon's are not good for beginners, which happens to be me. I'm wondering if any of you have an opinion on this matter, pro/con. With all the information available, I am confident that I can house a...
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