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  1. susurrus

    Homemade Drip

    I ended up making a dripper out of two plastic cups (like for playing beer pong). I poked a hole in one and cut the whole bottom out of the other. The gap provided by the bottom cup allows the water to actually fall into the cage as I was having problems with it sitting on top of the screen due...
  2. susurrus

    Green cuban roach

    Where'd you buy yours from? Seems I need to custom order them from that website I mentioned. Also I assume they climb around a bit when they're in the cage since they can fly, I'd like a somewhat active feeder for my chameleon.
  3. susurrus

    Green cuban roach

    I've been looking through the Chameleon! E-Zine that's referenced off and on here and was reading up on roaches and saw the green cuban roach. It looks pretty cool and I would love to have a short-range flier for my chameleon to eat. Looks like their available from Has anyone...
  4. susurrus

    Reddit picture

    Saw this on Reddit today: Seems like it's a chamaeleo namaquensis. Pretty sweet picture.
  5. susurrus

    Going to bed early

    I have a ReptiSun 10.0 for UVB and a 65W incandescent for a basking light. I'm 90 degrees at the basking spot dropping down to about 70 at the bottom. From what I've read on the forums the 10.0 is a little strong for a 1.5'x1.5'x3' cage, but that's what the previous owners had for him and...
  6. susurrus

    Going to bed early

    I have seen my veiled go to sleep about 1.5 hours earlier than the lights went off. I'm on a 9:15-9:15 day schedule. He's only done this twice over the last week. He's not eating much but his hunger strike is over. The vet said he seems fine. Has anyone else had experiences where their...
  7. susurrus

    Cup feeding

    Thanks for all the help; I really like that youtube clip. I have a 18x18x3 enclosure right now, so a half-gallon jug is a little big. Luckily my roommate likes his carrot juice which comes in quart plastic jugs. I think these'll be great for my setup.
  8. susurrus

    Cup feeding

    I currently have a year old veiled in a screen cage (recently acquired) and I let the crickets free roam. Any extra treats like silks, wax, or supers I just let crawl around the branches and he normally picks them up quick. The crickets, however, dwell around the top and he's picky and only eats...
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