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  1. rgladu

    Texas sun

    Yes, in the evening, though.
  2. rgladu

    Texas sun

    I have had my Nosy Be panther outside on the patio for the last 4 days. It's about 76 degrees at night and 95 degrees in the sun during the day. In the shade about 85. I have taken him out to play on the ficus trees in the sun. We also have 80% humidity here in Houston. He's eating and...
  3. rgladu


  4. rgladu


    Oops - I do have the baby superworms - not mealworms.
  5. rgladu


    My 3 month old is not eating the silkworms I bought for him. He prefers the crickets and baby mealworms. Has anyone seen them develop a taste for silkworms later in life?
  6. rgladu

    Best "starter"worms

    My adorable 3 month old is doing so well on crickets I am reticent to vary his diet...but I'm sure that would be best. So, what is the best starter worm to begin? Silk? My Nosy Be has a great appetite and is doing VERY well growing like a weed eating about 10 small gut loaded crickets a day...
  7. rgladu

    All Applaud...Welcome Baby Bach!!!!!

    Mine too - maybe we can follow them and compare notes as they grow. I'm so happy with Sully - he is doing fabulously mainly due to this forum's help.
  8. rgladu

    supplement schedule

    Found this article that suggests that the animals can self regulate for Vit D by basking habits, thank heaven! See citation below from PUBMED. Panther chameleons, Furcifer pardalis, behaviorally regulate optimal exposure to UV depending on dietary vitamin D3 status. Karsten KB, Ferguson...
  9. rgladu

    Warm mist humidifier?

    Well I bought a warm mist humidifier last night and it worked beautifully today - took the humidity to 50% quickly. I have it on the right side of the cage lower than the cage somewhat as an experiment. Will let you know how it goes. Keeping the unit sparkling clean seems to be the ticket. I...
  10. rgladu

    Eleanor loving the mister

    Almost looks like he's smiling!
  11. rgladu

    Warm mist humidifier?

    I am having trouble keeping my humidity up for my 3 month old Nosy Be. It is consistently around 30% despite frequent misting. The temperature is fine in the cage. So I am looking at humidifiers and found this information: "Warm Mist Humidifiers: These humidifiers actually boil the...
  12. rgladu

    All Applaud...Welcome Baby Bach!!!!!

    A cutie! Mine's the same age exactly. Where'd you get him? Perhaps they're brothers!:)
  13. rgladu


    How often should a 2.5 month old cham shed his skin? Hatched Oct 17th. He seems to be growing and has a voracious appetite. I've had my Nosy B for a week.
  14. rgladu

    Introducing Sully

    I don't know how old you have to be to have a coming out party, but I'm introducing Sully the Nosy Be because I received him today and am very excited. He is 3 months old. He ate 8 crickets right out of the transfer cup! He seems to be happy in his new home with me. I look forward to...
  15. rgladu

    What are your chameleons names?

    Zard and Sully
  16. rgladu


    Absolutely fascinating. I'm curious as to the term for that.
  17. rgladu


    Thanks for the vet list. The one I went to was not on this list. I am considering the necropsy as I don't want to make the same mistake again. I am curious, is it common for the lizard to turn a yellow orange before death? He was never this color before his last week of life. His main color...
  18. rgladu


    Thanks for the condolences. I'm pretty sad today. It's amazing how attached humans can get to these little fascinating creatures. I really would like to continue to learn more with another animal. THis forum is very helpful.
  19. rgladu


    Sad. Well, sadly, we lost Zard this am. I thought we were close yesterday. I was not happy with the vet I used, but people all over Houston had recommended this one as the best. As a physician myself, I certainly saw that this was a shotgun approach to his problem, as no diagnosis was made...
  20. rgladu


    urrent Problem - General ill health Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Panther Cross, 20 months old Male. Ihave had him for 14 months.T Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? - Lately daily to feed him and water him. Feeding - He will take mealworms and the carnivore care...
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