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  1. thatbemegp

    How to kill scale on ficus without hurting Cham?

    the white on my tree doesnt look like scales. it looks as if the tree is producing a white substance on the leaves itself everytime i spray it with water.
  2. thatbemegp

    question about ficus...

    sweet thanks. ill read up on it. didnt know they were called scales. sorry
  3. thatbemegp

    question about ficus...

    i have a few ficus and i've noticed what looks like a dry white residue on the leafs after misting. is this bad for chameleons?
  4. thatbemegp

    debating... need help

    i kinda figured about the cage size. carpets dont big at all. im torn between the two, do i get the bet beautiful guy or the small colorful one thanks for the info though. i feel more comfortable getting a carpet now (if i choose it that is) =)
  5. thatbemegp

    debating... need help

    im not sure what to to get. im liking the idea of carpets but also intrested in male veileds. which is easier? and what would be the difference in raising? hmmm?
  6. thatbemegp

    taking veiled to vet question.

    Sounds good. The place im going to isnt that far from my house. It's like a 5 min drive.
  7. thatbemegp

    taking veiled to vet question.

    So I scheduled a appointment for the vet tomorrow and I'm not sure how to transport her there. Should I bring her whole cage(24x12x26) or maybe use a smaller one like a critter carrier? She is only 3 months old. :confused:
  8. thatbemegp

    Oh My-Look at my dining room!

    i love it!
  9. thatbemegp

    help! eyes closed? worried!

    Your right. I'll schedule an appointment ASAP. I'm located in FL.
  10. thatbemegp

    help! eyes closed? worried!

    Hmm. Yeah I could understand that. How much should i give her? Some times she seems to ignor that they're even there. Like she does'nt want to eat
  11. thatbemegp

    help! eyes closed? worried!

    Not today, maybe tomorrow. My sister has my camera. =/
  12. thatbemegp

    help! eyes closed? worried!

    K. Will do! The spray is for their food not the skin. It's a back up i just wanted to grab.
  13. thatbemegp

    help! eyes closed? worried!

    Well I feed the crickets Zilla cricket food. It says it provides a "super-charge" or carbs, calcium and beneficial calories. Then I have ReptoCal with D3 and Reptivite which has all the vitamins that reptiles need. (has a picture of a jackson chameleon on the front) Plus liquid calcium spray.
  14. thatbemegp

    help! eyes closed? worried!

    * Cage Type - Screen cage 24x12x26 * Lighting - Reptisun 5.0 18inch 15watt and for basking i use zilla 50 watt day light. i keep them both on from 11am-10pm * Temperature - Day-75-85. Night-70-75 * Humidity - 50-60% Showers every other day and misting 3 times a day * Plants -...
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