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  1. s8santos

    How can you tell?

    haha thanks! yea she's extremely friendly and doesnt mind climbing on my hand. she actually trys reaching for me every time i place my hand to spray the cage lol. so for the most part she is going to stay such a light green? or that should change later on down the line?
  2. s8santos

    How can you tell?

    This help? best photo i was able to get with the cellphone ^_^
  3. s8santos

    How can you tell?

    alright ill have one up in a bit :D
  4. s8santos

    How can you tell?

    awesome, been looking at all the links you have provided and really helped alot!! i appreciate it... I think im starting to second guess my decision when i said it was a girl >.< i was looking at her/him (lol) now and i can kind of see a spore, im not sure lol should it be more profound when...
  5. s8santos

    How can you tell?

    looks like i have a girl!
  6. s8santos

    How can you tell?

    Hey new to the forum, and a 1st time owner of a veiled chameleon. i was just wondering how you can tell if your cham is a male or female? :o only photo i have of my cham...
  7. s8santos

    Is this cracking normal?

    alright awesome :D
  8. s8santos

    Is this cracking normal?

    i have looked around the forum and have seen some of the cracking on some chameleons which looks normal. but i noticed that my veiled has black in between the cracks on the lateral side of his ribs. :confused: Anything i should be concerned about?
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