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  1. Rosemond

    He's shedding...

    I would say about 3 to 4 months
  2. Rosemond

    He's shedding...

    I would say about 3 to 4 mounts
  3. Rosemond

    He's shedding...

  4. Rosemond

    Snuggling with my finger (:

  5. Rosemond

    Can chameleons feel our emotion...

    I was very upset about something that had happened... I tried to feed my chameleon he ate but stopped after a couple... It seemed that he stopped the second that I started thinking about what was upsetting me
  6. Rosemond

    Mylo fell asleep on me...

    This is sooo cute
  7. Rosemond

    His growth

  8. Rosemond

    His growth

    He's getting big
  9. Rosemond

    Could my chameleon eat large crickets ?

    The smal crickets are just sooo small and he eats two at a time no problem even with the medium sized ones he will wait till they stack
  10. Rosemond

    Shedding (:

  11. Rosemond

    Does he look healthy ?

    He does his names dobby (:
  12. Rosemond

    Does he look healthy ?

  13. Rosemond

    What are these ??

    Okay sorry
  14. Rosemond

    What are these ??

    It's do wired he looks like an evil scientist
  15. Rosemond

    What are these ??

    No the vein looking things on his head lol
  16. Rosemond

    What are these ??

  17. Rosemond

    Is my chameleon a brainiac ??

    He's got the evil scientist veins ?
  18. Rosemond

    Hi guys I have never seen a Yemen like this

    Plz keep posting pics as it grows I really wanna see it as it gets older !!!!!!
  19. Rosemond

    Weird Behavior

    I would say try and get a living plant.. Pathos are great hard to kill an have a lot of vines to hang
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