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  1. J

    Are They pregnant

    Question When do they usually start showing the weight gain (how far along in pregnancy).She has 33 grams yesterday and today is 40 grams
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    Are They pregnant

    We were in process of moving
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    Are They pregnant

    I have 3 jackson chameleon girls.They have been with males .When i put my male by them they turn black,gape,and do the no-no dance.2 of them look pregnant but I am not sure.The cage they are in are not the ones pictured they have a big cage.Can anyone tell me If they are pregnant
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    Is spray paint ok

    I house my male in a very large bird cage the cage cage is all rusted as has a hard time opening i was wondering can i spray paint the door part if so what kind of spray paint any certain chemicals to watch out for how long to air out when can i put him back him I am real scared to do...
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    Hawaii owners

    silkworms you should be able to get them i live on big island and my petstore stacey's pets has them
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    questions about jacksons

    My female gravid wont drink what can i do Can anyone tell me the guess on there age male:8 inches female:7 inches what can i feed crickets that is healthy
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    Is she ok

    Chameleon Info: * Your Chameleon - Male Jackson's Chameleon from pet store * Age-Unknown * Size-8 inches(horns to tip of tail) * Handling -2 times a day for feeding * Feeding - I am feeding him crickets. He usually eats 1-3 adult crickets and once a week i give him a moth or...
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    New Jackson's Chameleon

    chameleon I have 2 jackson's so maybe i can help a little with the plants you should add some real in asap and not wait until bigger cage as it helps with humidity and you need more plants.More variety with the food also dust the food lightly with calcium.If you dont have a humidity gauge try...
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    Animal Hoarding?

    animal hoarding I think as long as you can care for them and yourselves,feed,medical and love and sanitary your fine. I have 2 jackson chameleon(male/female) female may be gravid 5 cats(1 is my personal)others belong to other people in house 1 dog (not mine but i take...
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    does she look pregnant

    I wanted to know if she looks gravid.She is a jackson chameleon.Her weight goes up and down.When i put her near my male sometimes she bobs and sometimes she is ok.She goes couple days without eating sometimes.She has been with males.I dont know her age .She is 7 inches(head to tail) and 27.2...
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    Is this a egg sac

    I always thought my female was gravid and this morning i found this in her cage is it a egg sac or what is it there is only one.on botton picture i could get.jackson chameleon
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    what does head bobbing mean

    my jackson(female) bobs at my male now she is looking plump 3-4 days ago she weighed 22.9 g then the next day 23.8 and then 25 g and today she was 27.7g last night she never ate and this morning she never ate
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    About how much does a gravid jackson chameleon weigh

    I have one that maybe gravid so im curious
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    is this gravid coloration

    she is currently housed with my male and yesterday she weighed 22.8 g and today she weighed 23.9 g is her colors pictured gravid colors.She does have small spots on her
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    is she pregnant

    i only had her for 1 month(less) housed with my male
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    What is normal for poop/urate?

    adnormal/normal poop here are the pics
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    Does she have mbd(jackson)

    Her balance is way off and today she was sitting on the bottom of cage
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    these are my jackson's jack and jill
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    help jack n jill

    Chameleon Info Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon.Jackson chameleon,male,approx under 1 year How long has it been in your care?1 week Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? 2 times a day for feeding Feeding - What are you feeding your cham...
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