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  1. KarmaMama

    Runny poop from diet?

    Yeah it totally went away. He shed right after that also. With all that going on he has been a bit crabby this past week. :rolleyes: I think he needs some Xanax.
  2. KarmaMama

    Petco's chameleons and reptiles

    Our local petco has a mature panther who has been there forever. She is in a decent enclosure (for petco) and I always see people standing there pondering if they should buy her. Then they move on to birds or hamsters....clearly not Cham people. She is 50% off now and I'm afraid what will happen...
  3. KarmaMama

    Runny poop from diet?

    My guy has had two runny poops in a row and I just want to make sure it seems diet-related. He has always had textbook poops since a couple of days after I got him. He is about 4-5 months old and I have had him for 9 weeks. He just moved to his new big boy enclosure 3 days ago. I'm still...
  4. KarmaMama

    A few veiled questions and hello!

    Yes I don't think we'd quite be up for that challenge yet. We just went through a whole spring full of anole eggs and hatchlings so we could use a break. :)
  5. KarmaMama

    A few veiled questions and hello!

    Did you see the heel pic up there? That's a boy, right?
  6. KarmaMama

    A few veiled questions and hello!

    I will try the repashy with him. Thanks!! Hopefully he will take it. I wish it was easier to get samples. I hate wasting a bag.
  7. KarmaMama

    Freak accident exo terra

    Thats so awful, I'm so sorry! I use an exoterra for my anoles and have noticed that bad design flaw. Fortunately my anoles stay away from those cracks but I've worried about them.
  8. KarmaMama

    A few veiled questions and hello!

    So with the repashy, is it mostly calcium so you can give it everyday and won't overdo the other vitamins? I've been additionally giving herptivite 1-2 time a week but it would be easier to just do one supplement so I don't forget.
  9. KarmaMama

    A few veiled questions and hello!

    I use RepCal for calcium. Here's a old pic with his heel. I went up to take another and he ran away and hid in the back corner of his enclosure with some kale hanging out of his mouth. Sheesh, I wish he'd shed already.
  10. spur


  11. KarmaMama

    How "Smart" are chams?

    My cham always poops in the same spot on the floor of his enclosure UNLESS I am late to feed him in the morning. In that case he poops in his food bowl. I swear this is passive aggressive behavior. :D
  12. KarmaMama

    A few veiled questions and hello!

    thank you! that totally makes sense about the feet. sometimes it just looks like unshed skin so I didn't want to have problems down the road. I barely dust the crickets. barely. He is too smart for his own good. Maybe I need to try another brand of powder. I got a free sample of something...
  13. KarmaMama

    A few veiled questions and hello!

    Thanks for your input! I found an older photo that shows his feet better.
  14. karma feet

    karma feet

  15. KarmaMama

    A few veiled questions and hello!

    Here you can sorta see his foot situation, a couple weeks ago before his last shed. sorry for the bad of my hands is in a cast and it has been hard to get photos!
  16. image


  17. Karma


  18. KarmaMama

    A few veiled questions and hello!

    Hi, I'm new! I have had my first Cham for 6 weeks now and I have a couple of questions. I'm a fairly experienced herp keeper so I have a base knowledge and I'm enjoying the challenge of learning about my little guy. He has QUITE the personality. First, is there a reliable way to determine...
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