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  1. P

    Just got a panther chameleon

    Thank you! I'll most likely getting a auto mister from them. Whats a good humidity level to keep it at i have it at about 30%-40%. (40 rare & reader is outside cage) Also would i need a mister and dripper or would that be over doing it? I have only had him for a couple days but I notice that...
  2. P

    Just got a panther chameleon

    opps sry
  3. P

    Just got a panther chameleon

    I just got a panther chameleon. I have read that you have to mist the cage and plants with a spray bottle but I have to a lot to keep the humidity up.(norm in mid 30's when I dont spray a lot)Also that drippers or better then sitting water. Does anyone know if...
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