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    Why is my veiled chameleon always brown?

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon 6-7 months old, have had him for a little over 6 months. Handling - I rarely do it. Last time I did it was this week in order to move him from his old enclosure to his new one. Feeding - I am feeding him superworms which i feed with carrots...
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    Why is my veiled chameleon always brown?

    HI guys, thank you for your answers! I have seen him drink from the waterfall, and in terms of venting yes, it is properly vented, as almost the whole top part has got a grid-like structure.
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    Why is my veiled chameleon always brown?

    Why is my veiled chameleon brown for most part of the day? :confused: Is something wrong with him? The only times he gets colourful are when he is sleeping, or pissed off. Sometimes, when I sprayed him he used to get green, but now I have changed his cage to one with a waterfall, so I don't...
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