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  1. S

    ok to feed bees??

    I have found many wild chameleons with bee venom sacks stuck inside their mouths with no I'll effects, in particular dilepis and namaquensis.
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    Help! with B. Transvaalense breeding behavior

    You will need to adjust your night time temps as well to induce breeding behaviour. It gets quite cold where they occur in South Africa.
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    Help! with B. Transvaalense breeding behavior

    Not necessarily. The alpha male tends to occupy prime position in the bush or scrub that he calls his home range. Even females are attacked to establish the hierarchy. I used to find young males occupying the same bush as older males and they all seemed to get along fine. During breeding season...
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    Your Oldest Chameleon?

    I owned a wild caught unidentified Bradypodion from 1989-1998. It died of unnatural causes.
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    Help! with B. Transvaalense breeding behavior

    High population densities within the Bradypodion complex would mean that there would be a pecking order in nature. I think that male is establishing the pecking order.
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    dwarf transgendered veiled chameleon?

    Remember to supply it with a UVb globe as it is vital that the chameleon can metabolize the nutrition that you are providing it. Make sure you also coat the insects with a good vitamin supplement. There is no point in feeding it a lot of food when it can't absorb any nutrition because of a lack...
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    Parson Chameleon Color Phases

    I doubt any specie that is adapted to a specific niche would stand a chance against a hungry, axe wielding, petrol dousing human. I have been to madagascar and know that conservation would be the last thing on their minds. The reserves are heavily protected but you only need to fly over the...
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    Parson Chameleon Color Phases

    I doubt any specie that is adapted to a specific niche would stand a chance against a hungry, axe wielding, petrol dousing human. I have been to madagascar and know that conservation would be the last thing on their minds. The reserves are heavily protected but you only need to fly over the...
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    Parson Chameleon Color Phases

    I was at the presenting a scientific poster at a symposium of the Herpetological Association of Africa in 1998, Stellenboch, South Africa. I had a the privilege to chat to 2 spanish scientists that were working in Madagascar doing research at that stage. They were talking about newly discovered...
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    Identify this!

    Thanks Chris. Those photos were taken at the Transvaal museum by the ex curator of herpetology Mr Wulf Haacke. I remember it was him who guided me to become a herpetologist. There was also a few occasions where Bill Branch had a look at these chameleons. With the recent reptile survey in South...
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    Identify this!

    I never introduced them. They have just always been there. While I was growing up I continually discovered these small scattered populations. I have more photos but can't put them all into my first post on this forum. I am not convinced that the first animal is Bradypodion ventrale. I remember...
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    Identify this!

    I found it strange that the first population preferred pine trees over indigenous trees. Apparantly a gentleman by the name of Dougie Miller, introduced a female to another area. One gravid female caused a whole population of Bradypodion ventrale. It was also interesting that these chameleons...
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    Identify this!

    A few more for you Chris. Male and Female: Found in Westdene ( Suburb of Johannesburg. These were found in 2 neighbouring gardens. And only those 2 gardens. Different locality to the animal in first post. These are Bradypodion ventrale. They look different to the first animal.
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    Identify this!

    These were found in a small population in Florida (suburb of Johannesburg). I only found them in Pine Trees. This particular female had 33 young in my care.
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    Hello, hello!

    Hi, I am new to the forum. I started keeping chameleons when I was 13. That was many, many moons ago! I have been out of the chameleon hobby for a while now and just realised how rusty i was when i started reading through some of the forum topics. One major thing is the taxonomy of...
  16. S

    Identify this!

    Hi, I am new to the forum. I thought I would start off by asking the experts what they think the following animal is? Sorry for the quality as these photos are around 20 years old!
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