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  1. seagrasser

    New to the forum

    Thanks Laurie I'll give them a call. In regards to my job...I'm just trying to save the world, one ecosystem at at time.
  2. seagrasser

    watercolor painting

    Excellent work as always DJ. Nice to see somone else here form the orchid source. Congrats!
  3. seagrasser

    New to the forum

    Laurie, My screen name refers to what I study. I am a seagrass ecologist. It is pretty obscure, but a very important part of the marine environment. see here pssh...I guess you get what you get, better to ask the breeders ahead of time. Back...
  4. seagrasser

    New to the forum

    Thanks guys, Great food for thought. Sandra, I am just south of you in the Seattle area. Nice to know there are people local. You wouldn't happen to know of any breeders around us? A newbie questions: Of the panthers, who has the better tempermament or is it on a case by case basis...
  5. seagrasser

    New to the forum

    Thought I would drop a little note to say "Hi". Been thinking of getting back into reptiles for a long time and have always had a fascination for chameleons. I am here to learn and will be taking a bit of time to read up on body of knowledge already here in the forum. I may have have to...
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