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  1. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    Yep. That's why I deleted the part about the light. Hoped I'd get it before anyone bothered. I saw info on the net about the new T8 and T5 specification. Drat. Now I will need to go to Home Depot, buy a T8 fixture, and install the guts in Marty's hood light. I got him a new pump-up spritzer...
  2. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    I got Marty's new umbrella plant cleaned, added new soil, and installed in his cage. He has been very quiet but I brought him out for a warm shower and he is moving around a bit now that he is back in his cage. If he doesn't perk up over the weekend I will be taking him to the Vet. He ate a...
  3. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    What a run that was. I had to try 4 pet stores before I could find calcium powder without D3. Zoo Med Reptivite was the ONLY one I could find. I will only dust with D3 every two weeks from now on. The nursery wound up having the solid colored umbrella plant I wanted for $10.00 and I was...
  4. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    Our HD/Walmarts say no plants till spring. My local nursery says they have a variegated Arbicola for about $5.00. Is that OK for chameleons. I assume the only difference is coloring but don't want to do the wrong thing for my cham. Do you know if it is basically the same thing as a regular...
  5. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    Lowes and Home Depot don't have anything left in the garden department at this time of year but this is available online. Would this dwarf umbrella tree be OK. The size looks good...
  6. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    I called the local nursery. They have version of the umbrella plant. He called it a variegated Arbicola. He says it is the same as an umbrella plant but two tone in color. Is this OK?
  7. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    Thanks. I was just joshing you about the cultured thing. I get centipedes in my basement from time to time. There are two kinds. One kind grossed Marty out. They have longer legs that stick out to the side. The kind I get most often are like Twinkies to him. They are more like a round hard...
  8. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    Thanks for the input. He has two incandescent basking lights and a 10.0 UVA UVB tube. The heat elements you see are only for night time heating when the lights are out. I have the two heating elements and an auxiliary radiant heater hooked up to two ice fishing shanty analog thermostats to...
  9. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    His dripper runs all day long. That is working out quite well. How do you tell a cultured hornworm from an uncultured hornworm??? I guess you look for a book under their arm.:D Thanks.
  10. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    Thanks. You folks are the GREATEST! I live close to Clarkston (about 45 min north of Detroit). Fortunately there is a rep vet in downtown Clarkston. These little critters are a mystery. Once, and only once, Marty put his head under his dripper tube and let the water run down the ridge in his...
  11. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    Great. I am going out today and see if I can find him an umbrella plant, and some juicy worms. I called the local nursery a few days ago about a Hibiscus plant but they won't have them until the spring. Marty used to like finely chopped broccoli (oops, just saw from a post above to stay away...
  12. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    BTW. Marty was named after Marty Feldman. If you have ever seen Young Frankenstein you will understand. Google his name and check out the eyes.
  13. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    Ice cold Michigan.
  14. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    Funny you should mention that as I have been looking around for some plants. I keep seeing comments about which ones are best and dangers of eye injuries from the contents of certain plants weeping after they are bitten into, etc. I have been trying to find somewhere to get him some pesticide...
  15. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    I clean the bowl every day and put fresh RO water in it only to help with humidity. It is hard to keep the humidity up in this cold climate. Thanks.
  16. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    The Nature Zone Bites seem to hydrate the crickets very well. I have far less dead crickets since I started using it. I also give them RO water and carrots. Ingredients: Carrageenan, whey protein, soy protein, maltodextrin, fructose, lechitin, locust bean gum, calcium lactate, spirulina...
  17. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    Thanks for the fast responses. The lighting system is a 30" Zoo Med Combination Reptile Hood which accommodates two horizontal incandescent bulbs on one side, one horizontal incandescent bulb on the other side, and one 24" UVB 10.0 linear tube along side the other bulbs. I only use one...
  18. jglefler

    Marty needs a little help please...

    Hello and thank you for this forum. Please forgive me for the lengthy post but I don't want to miss anything that may be needed to help my little boy. I would appreciate some input on proper care for Marty, my male Veiled Chameleon. Pardon all the detail but I will give a bit of background on...
  19. jglefler

    R.I.P Lucky

    Bless your heart Hi Eszzi, I'm heart sick at your tragic loss. Your baby looks just like my little Marty. It is amazing how much love and tenderness someone like you invests in these wonderful little creatures. You said it best when you said they can't be replaced. Each one is a treasure...
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