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  1. mamba

    non toxic plants for chams

    i am looking for a list of non toxic plants:D
  2. mamba

    Jackson's Chameleon

    Reasearch!!!! i will be doing a ton of reasearch in the weeks to come. i would apreciate any info available. so if you come across something send it to me!!! i need it!!!
  3. mamba


    i am wondering if anyone uses a reptarium by Apogee.
  4. mamba

    Jackson's Chameleon

    chameleon i will definitaly take some design ideas from that vid. this forum is awesome!!!!:D i am thinking about getting a 260 gallon reptarium. 29 by 29 by 72.
  5. mamba

    Jackson's Chameleon

    thanks i am thinking of getting one for my b-day. believe me i would not skimp on price. i am looking for a list of non toxic plants, setup, breeding, the usual. thank you sooo much. great vid.:)
  6. mamba

    Post your favorite Chameleon Names

    name my fav names are rex tarzan beast
  7. mamba

    Stella's Vet Visit

    good luck good luck with your cham. very pretty.
  8. mamba

    So I emailed Petsmart today...

    local petsmart fortunatly my local petsmart doesnt carry chams so i wouldnt know if they would have the right setup. there is a petstore that does have the right setups and that is "that fish place, that pet place" which is about 15 mins from me. i am very lucky to have the largest pet store in...
  9. mamba

    Jackson's Chameleon

    hello, i am new to this site but i love it already. does anybody in this forum keep jackson's chameleon? i have been doing a ton of research for the last two weeks and have figured out that a jackson's would be the perfect display animal for me. i am looking for some aditional advice. Thanks.:D
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