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  1. pascalowner

    Not eating!

    Also, I'm not sure if this is a problem or what, but she's been falling out of her tree a lot and I thought something might be wrong with her grip, but when I get her out and she climbs on me, she grips so hard it hurts sometimes, so I don't know why she's been falling from her tree so much or...
  2. pascalowner

    Not eating!

    I don't use a multi vitamin but I do gutload my feeders. What could be wrong with her?
  3. pascalowner

    Not eating!

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Veiled, female, about 1 year old. Owned for a year. Handling - Occasionally let her out when she looks like she wants out. Feeding - I feed her every other day. Usually crickets, but recently been feeding just superworms because I bought a tub of them and...
  4. pascalowner

    Pascal's Christmas present!

    Here is what she started out in :( And here's her new space!! I don't think she even knows what to do with all the free space :D
  5. pascalowner

    Pascal's Christmas present!

    Same here! The 24x24x48 takes up a lot of room, but I really don't mind. It actually looks pretty sweet and she's so happy with all her new space! Her present cost more than most of mine! :rolleyes:
  6. pascalowner

    Pascal's Christmas present!

    Aww, 2 or 3 years in such a small cage? :( Poor thing. Yea they are a lot of hard work, but they pay off with how awesome of a creature they are! Spike is definitely better than Greeny :p Cause I know when I was really little I always named our cats by color. Like our black cat was midnight...
  7. pascalowner

    Pascal's Christmas present!

    That's an awesome Christmas present! I'm really glad that you're giving the little guy a better life than he was living before. How old is Spike, do you know? (should have kept the original name, it's so much cooler ;D, no bias or anything, lol)
  8. pascalowner

    Pascal's Christmas present!

    So, my not-so-little-anymore girl got a nice surprise for the holidays! I had been meaning to upgrade her cage because of obvious reasons, I just hadn't gotten around to it. However, I am pleased to say that this Christmas, she is livin' the life! I'll post pictures probably tomorrow when...
  9. pascalowner

    Is she pregnant?

    I feed her about 3 crickets a day and the occasional superworm. Within the past month I've gone to feeding her every other day because I've read you're supposed to do that after they're a year old.
  10. pascalowner

    Is she pregnant?

    Okay I have a good laying bin set up for her, but she hasn't laid anything yet. She's not even interested in the dirt at all when I showed it to her. What do I do?? I set it up yesterday morning.
  11. pascalowner

    Is she pregnant?

    Okay that video really helped! But what if her cage isn't big enough to put a big flower pot or bin in? I have a large fake tree that I let her free range in sometimes, could I just set the pot by that?
  12. pascalowner

    Is she pregnant?

    This is my female veiled, who is about one year old. I guess she's around laying age and I've noticed she's a fatty, is she pregnant or no??
  13. pascalowner

    Will it stink?

    Alright, no poo, no worries xD Thanks guys!
  14. pascalowner

    Will it stink?

    I'm upgrading cages for my cham now that she's gotten bigger and the new cage will be fully screened, unlike the one I have now. I was just wondering if it will make my room smell funny since it will be screened now and what ever smell in there can 'seep' out?? I want her to have a nicer cage...
  15. pascalowner


    Oh okay! I'll tell him to buy separate bulbs asap! and to lower the temps and humidity, thank you again! :)
  16. pascalowner


    Oh wow that's a relief , thank you! :) Is the set up that he has now for her all good or should he change anything?
  17. pascalowner

    Not Eating at all...

    He might be going on a food strike depending on what you feed him. I've seen some chams go on strike because they got fed superworms too much and would simply not eat when offered anything else, I've also heard of chams going on strikes when they are fed only crickets for a long amount of time...
  18. pascalowner


    Here are pictures of her from when we picked her up at the guys house. So this was her small cage.
  19. pascalowner


    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Veiled, female, about 1 year old. Owned for a week. Handling - He hasn't handled it at all yet except to put it in the new cage. Feeding - He feeds her about 5 crickets once daily around noon. He uses Zoo-Med calcium duster without D3 daily, and...
  20. pascalowner


    My friend just purchased a veiled chameleon from some guy online. I guess the guy kept it in a cage that was way too small for it and my friend is worried that it has stunted her growth. The guy said shes about a year old, but it hasn't shed or gotten any larger in 5 months. So, my friend...
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