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  1. pascalowner

    Selling a Chameleon!

    I'll actually just save some time and post the picture of him on here so no body has to wait for me to send it to them. :)
  2. pascalowner

    Selling a Chameleon!

    Hello everyone! My friend is selling his male Jackson's Chameleon because he just can't afford it right now. He wants to find him a good home, so if there's anyone who lives in Ohio who is interested please pm me! He is selling the chameleon, a hand built cage, water spray, cricket and feeding...
  3. pascalowner

    Fruit Flies

    Oh, well I guess mine are as big as they'll ever be xD Thanks!
  4. pascalowner

    Fruit Flies

    I have the Hydei ones, so about how big do they get if they're twice the size of the other kind? Cause right now, mine are like less than a centimeter long, lol.
  5. pascalowner

    Fruit Flies

    Btw, do I just toss them in her cage and let her get them herself or..??
  6. pascalowner

    Fruit Flies

    Wow thank you for the info! :D
  7. pascalowner

    Fruit Flies

    So, I bought my cham some flightless fruit flies yesterday. They're incredibly small, and I was just wondering if they're supposed to get bigger or if this is it? Also, how often can I feed them to my cham? I have a female veiled, very young.
  8. pascalowner


    Yea, mine are way too big then, lol. Okay I'll just try to save them for later on. My cham just seems to be taking forever to grow xD
  9. pascalowner


    They're actually kind of big, that's why I was wondering if it was okay. I don't know exactly how old she is, I was never told. But here's a picture of her if it helps.
  10. pascalowner


    Should I feed my baby cham superworms yet? I'm guessing not because she might choke, but I bought them not even thinking about it and I don't wanna waste them. But I mean if she's too small to eat them than so be it, lol. I just wanna know for sure. She's pretty small, idk the exact age.
  11. pascalowner

    She hates me

    The food offering idea sounds really good! I'll try that when I feed her tomorrow! And I open her cage a lot, so hopefully that helps! And wow, I'm seriously jealous of how much your chams like you.. I can't wait for mine to actually want to be near me, lol.
  12. pascalowner

    She hates me

    Mine is so strange, the two times I did take her outside, she seemed to hate it and turned a really dark green and froze. So outside time isn't really a fun activity for her yet I guess, lol. And she also hates when I try to pet her, she moves away as far as possible. I'll try again later and...
  13. pascalowner


    I did buy from amazon :D It should get here in about two days :)
  14. pascalowner

    She hates me

    I'll have to try the plant thing! I've been leaving her door open lately just cause, but having a plant there would definitely help! And I hand-fed her for the first time today and it was so cool! She actually ate from my hand! When I first put my hand in, she backed up and looked like she was...
  15. pascalowner

    She hates me

    Well thanks! I think I'll give her a few weeks by herself and then start hand feeding her and see how it goes. :D
  16. pascalowner

    She hates me

    lol! Yea I've heard that hand feeding helps, but I find it kinda hard when I feed her live crickets and they just jump out of my hand.. lol And she's completley terrified of the outside, so I feel like she thinks I just bring bad things instead of good, which is probably why she freaked on me...
  17. pascalowner

    She hates me

    Wow, I can't wait for mine to do that! I seriously wanted to cry when mine puffed up and went to bite me today :'( How long did it take for yours to come to you?
  18. pascalowner

    She hates me

    Yea I've heard a lot of different things when it comes to handling. Like some say wait a month or two, and others say to just start right away to get them used to you. I guess it's just different from cham to cham, so I'll try the waiting approach and see how that goes, since the other one...
  19. pascalowner

    She hates me

    Okay so I've had my little girl for a little over a week now, and for the first time today she actually tried to bite me when I went to take her out. I don't understand why she hates me more and not less like it should be. Because at first she was a little skiddish when I took her out but she...
  20. pascalowner


    Ohio in USA And I just went to amazon and ordered some calcium without D3 for her so hopefully it gets here soon :)
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