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  1. pascalowner

    Let him go outside today

    Is there supposed to be a certain age when chams will like to be outside, because my baby girl seems to hate it. She turns a really dark green and doesn't move at all. :/
  2. pascalowner

    Took a walk.

    I took her out today, and she did exactly what you said, she turned a really dark green and didn't seem too happy, so I just brought her back in. No run-ins with birds thankfully though. :)
  3. pascalowner


    Hi!!! I recently purchased some calcium with D3 to dust my crickets for my veiled cham, but I cannot seem to find a calcium supplement without the D3 in any local pet stores. Should I keep searching elsewhere or is it alright to just use the one I have every day for her?
  4. pascalowner

    Took a walk.

    Oh really? Well that's super exciting! Cause I've been wanting to take her out cause I always hear how people's chams change wild colors out of excitement from being outside :D
  5. pascalowner

    Took a walk.

    I really want to take mine on walks but ever since I heard that hawks could just come down and grab them, I'm kinda iffy on it. lol
  6. pascalowner

    frightened or excited?

    My chameleon's name is Pascal too!! :D But anyway, I've noticed she gets a lot of stripes and spots when she's frightened. I just recently got her and she's not used to me yet, and every time I take her out of her cage I can tell she's scared and then she gets those spots and stripes. So it...
  7. pascalowner


    Nope, I haven't seen her gaping since I turned down the heat :D
  8. pascalowner


    Wow that really helped a lot! Thanks! I do feed her the very small crickets, so I'll just give her more than 8 from now on, I just didn't know if I would be over feeding her, but I guess not, lol. I'll pick up some Repashy Calcium Plus right away, stop using the infrared, and find a bottle to...
  9. Member Album by pascalowner

    Member Album by pascalowner

  10. My Pascal <3

    My Pascal <3

    My new baby veiled chameleon, Pascal :)
  11. pascalowner


    It's not an aquarium, it s a cage designed for reptiles. You can't see but it actually opens up in the front. But yea it is pretty small. As she gets bigger I'll definitely upgrade to a bigger terrarium :)
  12. pascalowner


    -Veiled, she's young, not sure how old. And I've had her for a week. -I handle her about 10 minutes each day to get her use to me so she's not mean when she gets older, but I know they're not very social animals which is why I only take her out for ten minutes a day because I don't want her too...
  13. pascalowner


    And her cage is glass, but the whole top is screened.
  14. pascalowner


    Oh I figured out the picture thing, I just don't have a URL for the picture yet. I'll have to upload it to photobucket or something, lol. And okay, I just now lifted my hanging lamp much higher so it's farther away, so hopefully it cools down in there soon for her :) And I don't know the exact...
  15. pascalowner

    My chameleon fell!

    Well that's a relief, I don't see any cuts or anything broken so I guess that means she's alright :D It just scared the crap out of me of course! And okay, I'll leave her in there from now on when I mist :) Thank you!!
  16. pascalowner


    She is pretty young though, I know that. She is about 4 inches but that is including her tail.
  17. pascalowner


    Yea, she is a veiled. I'm not entirely sure how old she is, they didn't tell me. I could post a picture of her but I'm not exactly sure how to do that yet xD
  18. pascalowner

    My chameleon fell!

    Hi!! I had taken out my baby veiled chameleon to mist her cage (so I don't spray her because she hates that) and I had her on my arm. Well all was fine and she was just climbing around on me, but then she just fell off and landed on the floor! I don't know if I should be concerned that she...
  19. pascalowner


    Hi!! I just got my first chameleon a few days ago, and I love her so much already! I just was wondering what exactly is a good temperature to keep her habitat at? I'm asking because I got her from Petsmart, and they said to keep it at 95-100 degrees, which I've been doing, but since the second...
  20. pascalowner

    Male or Female Ambilobe?

    Hi, sorry to invade your thread, but I'm new to this site and I cannot seem to figure out how to post my own new thread. Can someone please navigate me through this site so I can post my own stuff? Sorry! lol thanks :)
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