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  1. M

    stopped eating after move

    Just his appetite, he still drinks lots and is very alert. He also pooped earlier which looked normal
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    lump on eye

    I have just noticed my baby nosy be has a lump on his eye, he sits scratching it so i guess its irritating him. Any idea? Ive done a bit of searching here and it sounds like skin might of got stuck in his eye? How can i sort it for him? Thanks
  3. M

    stopped eating after move

    Still not interested in food. But sat drinking this morning for around 30 minutes. Im wondering if hes hunger striking because of the stress of moving house? How can i try wing him off it? Is it a case of just offering different feeders?
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    stopped eating after move

    Hi guys, i recently moved house last week and since then my adult panther had stopped eating. He hasnt eaten in a week or pooped. He still comes out of his enclosure and walks around alot. Hes also drinking a hell of a lot of water too. Just not interested in food. Ive tried different feeders...
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    Wart like spots on panther chameleon

    Thanks for your reply. I had a read through your thread it does sound like it could be the same thing, the vet did send a few samples off too the lab. The lab said they believed it to be fungal infection but didn't give me any details and said they want to try to remove them all in surgery next...
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    Wart like spots on panther chameleon

    And another
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    Wart like spots on panther chameleon

    A few trips to the vets and they are a bit stumped with what they could be. They have spread and worsened now. Here are a few more pictures. The lumps are like hard scabs. Really want to cure him of them but they don't seem too bother him. Any one got ideas or seen it before? Ive done lots of...
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    uW/cm2 optimal range?

    Thanks for your quick reply! Thats brilliant. Ive just moved it to on top of the mesh with a reflector. The bottom reads 0-7uW/cm2. Middle where hes often found is around 30uW/cm2. And right at the top where he basks its now around 90 to 100uW/cm2. Shall see how he gets on over a few days with...
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    uW/cm2 optimal range?

    Hi everyone. Ive just got my hands on a solarmeter 6.2 and i wanted to know what sort of range i should be trying to achieve for my two year old panther, im using a arcadia 6% t5 inside of his exo terra viv and im worried it might be over sunning him? Thanks :)
  10. M

    Strange crater like spots

    What antibiotics and cream did the vet give you? My guy is suffering from the same spots and they seem to be spreading. The vet i use is talking about surgery to remove them but i think this isn't the best route. Im hoping this thread might shed some light on it more as i can't find anything...
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    Chameleon skin patches?

    Quick update. I came in from work yesterday to find bolt starting to shed! Took his time with this one haha. Thanks for people's input.
  12. M

    Chameleon skin patches?

    bumping this back up as he still has not shed and his skin is still a patchy ash colour, hes still eating,drinking and pooing but its been over 2 months scince his last shed. with the rate he is eating he must of grown a bit.
  13. M

    Chameleon skin patches?

    thanks for your responses, il keep you posted on his progress. im hoping it is just the early stages of him shedding so il keep a eye on him. is it just more often and prolonged misting to help him shed?
  14. M

    Chameleon skin patches?

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - ambanja we believe, male, 5-6 Months old. owned him 3 months Handling - daily, hes very tame and wont let you open the vivarium without running to your hand or down to greet you. Feeding - crickets and locust, 3-4 crickets daily with 1-3 locust as treats...
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