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  1. B

    Female panther hunger strike.

    Sorry guys me again, noticed this on my girls back today and she seems to have wrinkled skin? She's still not eating but is drinking. Am I worrying to much about nothing?
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    Female panther hunger strike.

    That's great thank you so much for your help. Hopefully she will get back on her food soon. :)
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    Female panther hunger strike.

    Cindyloo do you put any holes in your laying box for excess water to drain out? Also can anyone tell me the correct ambient temperature for the viv? Cheers.
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    Female panther hunger strike.

    Shortly after this she slowed down eating and then stopped. Before this she was eating up to 4 boxes of dusted locust a week.
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    Female panther hunger strike.

    She does have days where she looks gravid but then goes back to lighter colours, how long are they gravid for before getting ready to lay?? This is her about a month ago.
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    Female panther hunger strike.

    Yes will definitely give your method and sizes a try. Thanks for your help.
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    Female panther hunger strike.

    My girl soesnt go near her lay box, think I need to put some more branches near it for her to get down there easier and maybe change from eco earth to play sand.
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    Cham won't eat!!!

    Yes have got a laying box in there for her but she doesn't go near it.
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    Female panther hunger strike.

    Ok that's great thanks for your help. I will try and get a bigger box in there for her and see how it goes.
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    Female panther hunger strike.

    I've got Eco soil in the laying box that's damp but not to wet. The laying box isn't in the picture as I had just put the log in through the middle of the cage about 10 days ago as the bits in there she was to heavy for.
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    Female panther hunger strike.

    I'm using a plastic box 12" long 6" wide and 6" tall.
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    Female panther hunger strike.

    There's no sign of eggs and no bulging at the back of her body near her back legs also she isn't gravid colours.
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    Female panther hunger strike.

    She does have a layong box but she's not gravid at the moment. how do I post a photo of her?
  14. B

    Cham won't eat!!!

    Hi guys, new to the forums today! My female panther 9 months old has been on a hunger strike now for 3 weeks refusing to eat any type of feeders. Getting worried now any help would be great. Thanks.
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    Female panther hunger strike.

    Hi guys, not sure if I'm in the right place, first time on the forums. My 9 month old female nosy faley has gone on a hunger strike, it's been nearly 3 weeks now and I'm getting worried. She won't eat anything I've offered, crickets, brown and banded, locusts, silk worms, dubia roaches. She's...
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