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  1. jacksonsgirl

    Using saline solution..

    I had the same problem with my Jacksons female ... I used saline solution to flush any gunk in the eye... But I actually ended up using pink eye drops and they work phenomenally.
  2. jacksonsgirl

    toe nails on a Jackson

    My guy has super long ones, but they don't seem to be a problem. So leave the nails be :)
  3. jacksonsgirl

    Outside enclosures help

    Thank you, this is very useful! I have a Mistking, so I'll be using that for sure. I live in NJ so temps have been mild as well. Also, what would you recommend for feeding outside??
  4. jacksonsgirl

    Outside enclosures help

    Thanks for your input!
  5. jacksonsgirl

    Outside enclosures help

    I was considering outside enclosures for my 2 Jacksons chameleons. Any tips on housing them outside? What months are good and what months are not good for keeping them outside? 24x24x48 would be the ideal cage size, but what do you suggest as far as structure for outside? Would i place the cages...
  6. jacksonsgirl

    My chameleon fell!

    Should be ok :) in the wild chameleons puff up when they drop from tree limbs to get away from a predator....hopefully she puffed up before landing! No worries
  7. jacksonsgirl

    Swollen lip???

    The vet examined but did not do a culture and said it wasn't mouth rot on Thursday. But later that night it was still inflamed and appeared worse so I went back and they gave me shots of fortaz to prevent or eliminate any infection. Hopefully it works.
  8. jacksonsgirl

    Swollen lip???

    I took her to the vet. It was not mouth rot thankfully! But apparently she had food build up in the corner of her mouth near the gland. It appeared to be a piece of cricket leg.
  9. jacksonsgirl

    Swollen lip???

    thank you so much for your reply!
  10. jacksonsgirl

    Swollen lip???

    My (female) Jacksons chameleons lip on her right side closer to her eye is swollen. I am not sure what could have caused it, but it seems to be fresh. Shes not sickly and seems fine. But she wont eat or drink for me today. I caught a fly yesterday, sprinkled calcium on it and threw it in. I've...
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