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  1. J

    Not eating?

    She's eating! I guess it was getting used to her home
  2. J

    Not eating?

    Still hasn't eaten yet I even tried to hold a cricket in front of her but she backed away. Last night I put some small potatoe slices I there for the crickets to eat and left them, hoping she would eat. But as of this morning there are still 4 crickets in there. Her water is steady, temp is...
  3. J

    Not eating?

    Ok thank you. She is back in her cage now. I cannot see if she has eaten bc it's so much greenery in there I know crickets can hide. Should I put more in there with her or just the 3? I know there is one left. And I put a feeder cup with worms in it in there with her
  4. J

    Not eating?

    Other pic Don't know how to add multiple photos so here is the pic of her eating cage
  5. J

    Not eating?

    I just got a baby veiled chameleon Tuesday. She has a pretty big home. When she first went in it I saw her eat a cricket. (It was so cool). By the next day the other 2 were gone. Yesterday I gave her 3 crickets. I added more stuff last night to her house. I added a live plants and a lil hide...
  6. J

    New owner of a.... Girl?

    I just got a chameleon yesterday. I have calling it a she, but I am not positive. I don't see any bumps on the back feet, but can someone verify for me please? Also is there a way to tell age? They said at pet shop between 3-5 months
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