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  1. J

    Well, we tried really hard :(

    It does not look like Spike Bobby Kevin is going to make it through the day. He took a sudden turn last night and this morning he is barely there. We are very sad. It is surprising how attached you can become to a little creature when you are caring for him like that. We did our best to...
  2. J

    Sunlight Questions

    Ok so we are nursing Spike Bobby Kevin back to health after a very bad case of MBD. As a part of that I have been taking him outside whenever I get a chance and that has led me to a few questions about the amount of sunlight he needs. Is there a rule of thumb about how much sunlight they...
  3. J

    Newbie in need of help

    one more update Ok we went ahead and ran SBK back to the vet. He is great btw. He was actually very impressed with how SBK was doing. He confessed that he did not have much hope that SBK would even make it when he came in the first time. So, just the fact that he was alive a looking ok made...
  4. J

    Newbie in need of help

    here are some pics of SBK. Put him outside today, but we live in North Texas and it will be 106 today. If I put him in the shade will he still get the uvb he needs?
  5. J

    Newbie in need of help

    Update on Spike Bobby Kevin and question So, it has been a month and a half since our vet visit. We have followed vet directions to a T. Spike Bobby Kevin is definitely better, but not a good as I think he should be. He is noticeably stronger, but does not seem to be putting on much weight...
  6. J

    Newbie in need of help

    Thanks for the great info. I am feeling encouraged. My son came and got me saying that Spike Bobby Kevin looked funny. I was worried, but when I got there he was just displaying some black spots. Looked to be annoyed and I am taking that as a show of strength returning. I have created a...
  7. J

    Newbie in need of help

    Ok here is an update. Spike Bobby Kevin is looking and acting much better. Color is nice pretty green when resting, actually turned dark grey when I had to feed and medicate him this morning, which I took as a good sign. He is also moving better. His head is off the ground and he is...
  8. J

    Newbie in need of help

    Thanks. We don't make decisions well so Spike Bobby Kevin it is! Anyone have any ideas as to how quickly he will start feeling better if he is going to make it? He immediately looked better after his visit. Full belly and breathing better, but still just laying on the ground. Tail curled...
  9. J

    Newbie in need of help

    Oh he did. Will give daily by syringe until he starts eating then will add to his food.
  10. J

    Newbie in need of help

    Ok here is the update. Found a great vet here in town and we just got back. Yes, severe MBD and dehydration. The Dr. gave him a calcium shot and another shot that will help him absorb calcium. He also fed and hydrated him. He is not out of the woods yet, but does already look better. We...
  11. J

    Newbie in need of help

    That is what I thought. So, is that something I can fix with the help of my local pet store, or is that a vet visit. Not sure if my vet does chameleons, but I am guessing I can find one.
  12. J

    Newbie in need of help

    back on the floor, but a little better picture. I have moved his light down low, so he will have some heat. Should his front leg look like that? His eye is not sunken in. Just looks that way in the pic.
  13. J

    Newbie in need of help

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Male Veiled 6 mo (ish). Had him 4 days. Handling - Handled him some the first day or two, but only to help him get to the light after that. Feeding - Crickets and meal worms dusted with Herptivite. Supplements - Herptivite, but has not had calcium. Will...
  14. J

    Newbie in need of help

    Not great pics, but I hated to disturb him.
  15. J

    Newbie in need of help

    Hi everyone. We were given a 6 mo old veiled chameleon by friends who were moving on Saturday. He came with a great set up. Mesh cage, fake vines, misting system, uvb light and heat light. He also came with gut loaded crickets and distilled water. I noticed he was a little thin but did not...
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