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  1. J

    How many Dubias for a Female Veiled?

    My Female Veiled is about 4.5 to 5 inches long (without the tail) she is about a year an a half old. I already change her main food from crickets too Dubias about 2 months ago. At first I feed her about 10 crickets every other day, when a switch to Dubias I began to feed her about 3 Dubias every...
  2. J

    La Nena's Setup

    I yhink she is about 13 to 15 months.
  3. J

    La Nena's Setup

    2x4 Feet Fake Plants Permanent Laying bin (She already used it) 60 wats basking ligth 5.0 Reptisun UV 1 Gallon Dripper that I almost don't use, but I mist at least 4 times a day with no ill effects. And a video of La Nena eating a juicy Dubia.
  4. J

    Is it bad to feed my chameleon everyday?

    When I got my Female Veiled, I was Feeding her about 10 medium size crickets every other day, then after she shed a months after she lays, I change her diet to 3 Dubias every other day and she looks great. Javier
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    Nice Girls Javier
  6. J

    La Nena

  7. J

    La Nena

    Yes, you are rigth. Javier
  8. J

    La Nena

    I’m really not sure about her age. People that had seen her, tell me she between 6 and 8 months. As she is showing colors of receptiveness, I haven't put the egg laying bin in her cage yet, but that's something I would defiantly do in the coming weeks or days. Thanks Javier
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    La Nena

  10. J

    My pair's first mating.

    How big are they?? Thanks Javier
  11. J

    She is Turning Blue!! Could she be receptive??

    I was thinking the same thing. I expect to mate her with my friend's male Veiled but i was worried that she still to young, and I would follow your advice. I have two more questions: Should I expect an Infertile Clutch in a couple of months? What is the breedible size for a female veiled...
  12. J

    She is Turning Blue!! Could she be receptive??

    A few days ago a posted some pictures of my Female Veiled (La Nena) saying that she was showing some blue, but now she is showing more blue. I could say she is now a Blue Chameleon with Green and Yellow Spots and Blushes. She was Green when I got her. I have read that blue spots are a sing...
  13. J

    Some pictures of my Guys

    This is La Nena, she is a Female Veiled and she is showing some nice blues This is Ziggy, he is a male Jackson Javier
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    Hermione is showing some blue.

    What do you think? Javier
  15. J

    Repti Glo 10.0 or 5.0 Compact

    Thanks for your input but I have another Question, would the 5.0 be sufficient even with the screen cage? Thanks Javier
  16. J

    Repti Glo 10.0 or 5.0 Compact

    Does Repti Glo 10.0 Compact Desert Terrarium Lamp have too much UV light for a Jackson or Veiled Chameleon? Is there is such thing as too much UV? My Jackson lives in a screen cage and this is the only one that says that is good for screen cages or the 5.0 is OK for a screen cage? Thank...
  17. J

    How much is to much

    I'm not shure about their age, my Jackson seems to be almost full grown, He is about 8 inches long, the Veiled is a little bigger that Jackson but I think is younger because of the size that the veiled actually reach. This is a Picture of my Jackson Ziggy This is my Veiled Hermione...
  18. J

    How much is to much

    Hi. I have 2 Chameleon, a male Jackson and a Female Veiled. What are you recomendations for feeding? I feed 7 crickets and 3 mealworms to my Jackson and 10 crickets and 4 mealworms to my Veiled every other day. Is that excecive or it is to little? And how much greens should I give...
  19. J

    Question about my female Veiled.

    Thanks. I allready have the conteiner in her cage just in case. The other question is; How old do you think she is, She is about 6 to 8 inches long. Here is a Picture Thanks Javier
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