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  1. J


    Your gonna need a bigger budget. This list you speak of is never official for a number of reasons. Trust the trends in the enclosure thread under Forums. Maybe search for more specific info towards veiled chasm. Find the needed parts wherever you can. Amazon if you can use it will help you. You...
  2. J


    You can find this under Care_Resources/Care_Sheet:06/Care_Sheet:Vieled_Chameleon which is over < this direction You must search young padawan
  3. J

    Would you use this?

    Hahaha yes, I would totally use that! At your own risk. .. d0oes it have an ingredient label you could post? I'd be interested to see if it has crazy bug and animall urine that might actuallu naturally lubricate your chameleon. Is there a certified organic version as well? Can it come in male...
  4. J

    False Bottom Vivarium

    I know he was, I was skeptical but then I realized that he was right. Clean bottoms are easy to keep sanitary and therefore more ideal. Bringiaple outdoors indoors is not a good idea and simply is simply complex and difficult. Simple care is exactly that... And it is proven to work for prety...
  5. J

    False Bottom Vivarium

    Feels like a cool breeze going by when I set my hands on the rocks
  6. J

    False Bottom Vivarium

    I was curious about whether or not the false bottom would provide much if any air flow. I was thinking about adding a few PVC pipes screened on both ends and masked with a few rocks may provide some extra airflow. Having a forested bottom with enough micro-organisms to eat the bacteria and...
  7. J

    False Bottom Vivarium

    The sides are just 12mm poly sheeting right now with 2 screen doors. I am hoping to eventually cover all sides with clear plexi but that stuff is expensive as hell. Idk what I am going to do to combat mold and bacteria, I was hoping the bugs and growing plants within the soil would combat...
  8. J

    False Bottom Vivarium

    I am undergoing a complete redesign of my enclosure. I have an a drain table with 6"+ of plexiglass surrounding the base. I have screened it over and placed a series of rocks at different sizes from largest to smallest. I am wanting to place the root balls of my plants onto the rocks and...
  9. J

    Propagating plants

    I have had no sucess with umbrella nor dracaena as of yet. Here is the guide if you wish to give it a shot yourself.
  10. J

    surround sound scary for chameleon?

    I am in the process of sound training her to hide before the misters kick on. She hates getting sprayed so I am hoping that by playing sounds of thunder through a studio quality subwoofer every day for 5 minutes before the misting starts its cycles that she will learn to hide when she hears the...
  11. J

    surround sound scary for chameleon?

    I have noticed that from leaving classical music playing for a majority of the day, my jackonii has adapted and seems to be stimulated by it. Her face lights up and she starts hunting very quickly when the tempo increases as well. Quite interesting to watch actually. This broke her of being...
  12. J

    Where do PARASITES come from?

    Thank you! :)
  13. J

    ChameleonCamera sucess / ViVController app in progress

    looks like someone beat me to it :P Damn you EcoZone!!!!
  14. J

    Where do PARASITES come from?

    What materials/ magnification level would I need to do fecal exams myself? I have heard that only 400x is needed but I find that hard to believe.
  15. J

    About to make a big purchase

    The ASPCA web site has a list of all toxic plants and the effects if ingested. The plants you see suggested on here are popular for a reason. for example Morning glories are considered poisionious for...
  16. J

    About to make a big purchase

    Not a problem, hope I helped a little bit. :)
  17. J

    Puff puff pass

    Baby you talk to much pass the blunt.
  18. J

    Broadcasting ChamCam

    second feeding in 1 hour
  19. J

    Broadcasting ChamCam

    I will start feeding at 11:30am C MT
  20. J

    Broadcasting ChamCam

    I am trying to stress test my server, please post comments of any errors you receive. I really appreciate the help :) -stream -html It is currently running via java applet so an update may be needed depending on your set up.
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