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  1. Badilleo

    Veiled chameleon has one eye closed

    Also can someone recommend a led light for my plants to stay healthy. (I didn't have one and my spotted begonia died in there and had to pull it out. Also any recommendations on plants or how to hang them and keep the husbandry right for the screens would be helpful too. Thank you! Also do you...
  2. Badilleo

    Veiled chameleon has one eye closed

    Just wanted to give an update. Captain hasn't gotten any worse. Unfortunately not better either. She is active using both eyes but still rests the one. I took captain to the vet and had her inspected for anything in her eye. Vet said there was nothing in there and to monitor it. I was told cut...
  3. Badilleo

    Veiled chameleon has one eye closed

    Thank you guys. Any recommendations on vitamins then besides the multivitamin? And by out of balance, are yoh meaning I'm over doing it? Or not enough? I have an appointment for the 29th to get her seen..jusr don't want her to die on me. She hasn't gotten better, but not worse either. Will...
  4. Badilleo

    Veiled chameleon has one eye closed

    Who ever said women can't be captains? (: that is awesome to hear. I have a friend that has a male veiled and it has white patches all over, like mine on its feet! Hope to hear help soon, it's been 2 days with the eye being weird. If needed, I will up the date for the vet visit.
  5. Badilleo

    Veiled chameleon has one eye closed

    Best I can do for now!
  6. Badilleo

    Veiled chameleon has one eye closed

    Thank you so much. I think he is a he.. Lol. His name is captain!
  7. Badilleo

    Veiled chameleon has one eye closed

    I also reread your comment. I feed them fresh watermelon, potatoes, and spinach to gutload.
  8. Badilleo

    Veiled chameleon has one eye closed

    Here is the husbandry
  9. Badilleo

    Veiled chameleon has one eye closed

    Hello everyone. New here. I don't really know how old my chemeleon is, I've had him about a month or so but I'm assuming he's a juvenile and maybe like 4 or 6 months old. He's been doing great, misting twice a day with spring water, 12 hours of uvb light (reptizoo 5uvb) I dust crickets with...
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