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  1. albert the veiled

    Refrigerate Hornworms?

    refriderate every other day it slows them down....check out lindasgonebuggie website. It's where I get mine. Please if you post a reply to a thread that you do you're research first, You can refiderate hornworms every other day and it slows their growth down....
  2. albert the veiled

    Chameleon went on a walk about!

    Yes Laurie he has his 5.0 UVB light.Thank you for the info about the UVB's not passing through glass. Thank you Dreamer for the kind comments, Albert is some Cham for sure..
  3. albert the veiled

    Chameleon went on a walk about!

    Try 3 months!! That's right my male veiled was on his little vacation for 3 months!!!! Let me explain, I aquired "Albert" (named for his intellegence on finding his way out) at my local aquarium shop in may, he was 2 months old and a little dynamo. I had him in a 10 gallon tank and let him...
  4. albert the veiled

    Chameleon's eating habit changed!

    Repti-Aid I agree get him some calcium..and try to get him into the sunlight as much as possible, try to get him in some kind of cycle on his lighting. I have a timer on my UVB light when I go to work and try some repti-aid by Flukers it will help with his eating habits. My male veiled is...
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