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  1. B


    He is going on 5mos old.
  2. B


    So, my Jackson's chameleon has been acting like a "couch potato" because he will only eat a few insects at a time, and then go do something else. When I picked him up from an expo, he was stressed until I brought him into natural UVB. He would eat like a champ so I had no worries. He does fire...
  3. B

    Water? Is tap okay? -

    I do not trust the filtration in tap where I live, so I use distilled or baby water when misting and in my fogger. It might be pricey where you are located, but off brands are sometimes around 89 cents.
  4. B

    Best plant for veiled Cham

    Personally, I would grow a pot of live hibiscus in the enclosure, because it offers a hide, a natural dripping system, and nutrients if your cham decides to snack on them. just make sure your plant of choice is unharmful to your reptile.;););)
  5. B

    essential oils for powdered calcium???

    I have quite a few family members the are into the "do Terra" craze and the are suggesting that I put certain oils on mealworms or leafy greens instead of calcium and vitamin supplements, which are powder, and those powders have caused respiratory problems in the past. If there are certain oils...
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