Btw cbd to be considered legal has to meet the requirement of .3 or lower thc content technically not enough to come up on a screening in low dosing . isolates on the other hand could be different with even less than .3% thc
You do not need a medical card its recreational in California you can buy isolates in your state and dust your herb or you can ingest cbd isolates and smoke your regular herb it will mix into your endocanabinoid system ... if your on dissability you can get a 3 yr medical card with paperwork...
Btw you can make a salve/edible with the isolate powder you can be creative . most places only place very small amounts of actual cbd in their products about 200 mg sometimes even less for atleast $150 so the isolate is 1000 mg for 35$ and lower if you buy more
Andee you do not need to get a medical card . CBD (Cannabidiol) is derived from legal Hemp you can go to any local shop they carry different brands flavors etc they even have some vape cbd i believe. ebay/amazon sell isolates 99%isolates about $35 a gram. Copy and paste the link if youd like to...
By the way I've seen videos of people using storage totes with cut outs replaced with screen mesh on all sides except base I personally wouldn't recommend this being I haven't tried but its better than nothing as for lighting a regular house 60 or lower wat bulb will suffice for...
black soldier fly larvae
Try getting a nice colony of bsf they are high in calcium with no need to dust plus they're a great for babies when they're in the larva stage