aaaah, didn't account for the rope! im going to switch it out to see if his behavior changes.
hi eye is actually very clear, no crust or anything on it it just swells up a a bit..
I would consider it normal if it was only for a little while, but in one of the instances it was swolen for 2...
Hey guys, My 1 1/2 year old boy has been having recurring eye problems.
for the past 3 months he has had his right eye swell up every now and then.
for instance, yesterday his eye looked perfectly fine, this morning it was a bit swolen and half closed..
This is my current setup:
I keep them in water w some plant food until they stark growing roots..
then they can be planted..
They are pretty tough plants and easy to do cuttings with..
Thanx Kinyonga, that was pretty helpful.. I been having a tough time out here in Chicago keeping humidity up. I free range him so its probably way more dificult..
His eyes swell up a bit when the humidity drops in the room, and i had read on the forum that it might be linked to vit a...
What would be some red flags for vit a deficiency?
I know chameleons hide their sickness very well.
I use rep-cal multivitamin about 2-3 times a month, and gutload my dubia with mostly kale, apples and carrots...
What are recomended vitamin a Gutloads?
fiberglass is softer on the chams nails, but crickets have been known to chew through em.. so if your freeranging crix not a good idea.. but if your cup feeding go for it, i would preffer the fiberglass but i cup feed.:)
well the soap goes in the dirt from the plants... and im guessing it kills alot of the gnat eggs and larva..
im just wondering if its ok to do this in my gecko terraniums. i have them with plants and soil in the terranium.. i also dont know if the soap will affect my isopod cultures..
Ok, so i have a ton of gnats in my apartment and i am going to try the dish soap method..
My question, is this safe for my planted crested gecko vivs?
Is it safe for my isopod cultures?? I have a ton of time invested in my isopods and would hate for them to die cause of those anoying...
I use the washing machine drain pans sold at home depot. they are a bit bigger than the 2x2 cage so they catch water pretty good $20..
I have also used the trays from lll reptile before i started freeranging my cham, theyr pretty good also..
This is my growing reptile collection..
far left: adult veiled free-range
Middle: crested gecko vivs
far right: Juvenile high orange beardies
Im working on some vertical 10 gal vivariums for under the geckos, should be done round February if money is good :)
he might just be on a hunger strike as stated above. switch it up with superworms and roaches.. mine is on a hunger strike from roaches right now..hes a picky little f*cker haha
setup looks good,
jus needs more foliage, and you might want to cover the dirt in the pot. my veiled likes to...
got to do a color session on this sleeve im working on for a client.. this is our second session.. I thought i would share the progress
We are doing a panther cham to cap it off at the top of the arm..
still dont know what color patterns for the panther.. any suggestions??
i love dubias! they are easy to keep, and i feed the whole crew with them..
i feed my juvenile beardies, small crested geckos and my adult male veiled with the various you feed much less since they are meatier than crickets..
i started with about 300 of them 3 months ago and it...
plastic shower curtains, cardboard, plexiglass or a humidifier..
Im in Chicago and it gets fairly dry out here round winter too. I personally use shower curtains cut to size. the also help keep any splashing water off your walls..
So im talking to my neighbor from upstairs earlier today, something came up about reptiles and he said he had some reptile stuff he had got with a fish tank a friend gave him....
And BAM! jackpot!! he hands me a 5 gallon bucket with a brand new Rainmaker Jr system and a bunch of heat pads...
Mr wilson:
Thanx i got the idea from the dart frog terraniums, the dirt stays in the tank permanently, i have sow bug culture in there for cleanup.. I just turn the soil every so often and clean all the leaves out.. I feed mostly cgd so i dont worry about impaction fron hunting live food. I...
im waiting for a season sale at home depot so i can stock up on plants :)
heres a pic and a video of my gecko vivs ..
this is right before i separated them into theyr own enclosures, i have one tank with 1 and another with 2, i still dont know the sex of them so im still waiting to see whos...