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  1. S

    Too many crickets dying

    Are the dead crix sort of compacted in like a muck? We have our crickets in the tubs made for them that some cricket suppliers sell. you can easily make your own by scratching up the walls of a rubber maid tub (so the crickets to have more room to walk on) and having a secure screen lid. We...
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    Hello everyone...Could Use expert Opinion

    looks like a hybrid
  3. S

    Identify These Jackson's Species

    Mt. Meru jacksons
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    pics of pregnant brevicaudatus?

    Just lighty feel her stomach. If she is in the later stages of pregnacy you can feel around 2-3 tic tac sized eggs. -Mike
  5. S

    4 month veiled in 10 gallon

    Tell your friend that screen cages are a must have for your chameleon so it can live/grow properly. -Mike
  6. S

    Check out these Panthers!

    Settle down Stewart! -Sipos
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