are sperm plugs a bit of a different colour and texture??? (not that I touch) but I have noticed my veiled poop has changed!! we were away for a week and I don't think out house sitter misted him as much as I do, so I have been a bit concerned about dehydration and really watching his...
mine used to do this as well, almost a cross between a squeak and a scream!! He is funny, now he is just opening his mouth really wide and puffing himself up all big, but then will gladly climb onto my hand!!
Didn't get a chance to weigh Leaf last week as we were away in Whistler, so we did our weigh in a week late and his weight this morning was 31 grams, he now is over 5 months, we are loving him!!!
I used a hatch rite and nothing else, keep the substrate in a dish on the counter near where my tanks where, no extra heat at all, and successfully hatched 12 out of 12 eggs!!! there were four other eggs but all were not fertilized!!
Good luck
@ ChameleonMom, we are going on vacation, staying in Ontario to live, my brother lives in Vancouver, and is thankfully coming to Whistler to visit while we are there!!
Well the house is ready to get pictures done and once they are taken we will be able to pack our clothes!!!
My life is crazy right now!!! We listed our house, we need to clean/purge every room!!! We are leaving for whistler on Tuesday!!!
I feel so much stress from all that is going on!!! Thankfully I have my family and friends to help me through all this craziness!!!! Yes and my lizards too ground...
what a fantastic idea, I tried a humidifier as well but I had to pull the table over and even then it wet more of the surrounding area then the actual enclosure!!!