Would a 30" flourescent hood fixture, 5 1/2" ceramic fixture, 24" reptisun 5.0 bulb, small and large exoterra vines, a 24x24x48" reptibreeze, and a schefflera arboricola be a good deal if I got it all for $156 w/o shipping figured into that?
For like 6 months I have been thinking that like when you order a cham when you enter your info ect. They should make you fill out a questionaire thing about the husbandry of that reptile and youd have to pass the test 100% to be able to proceed to checkout. It would leave mostly dedicated or...
For like 6 months I have been thinking that like when you order a cham when you enter your info ect. They should make you fill out a questionaire thing about the husbandry of that reptile and youd have to pass the test 100% to be able to proceed to checkout. It would leave mostly dedicated or...
hey hey hey now, if your going to tell these people how to measure their penis' then at least get the equation correct lol, its "Length times diameter plus weight over girth divided by angle of the tip squared." LMAO! And remember, anyone with a penis bigger than 1.5 inches is above average ;)
Actually there was a thread I started tellin about how I messed up with this and. One of the members (and also I) figured the iu/kg amount comparing the flukers and repcal w/d3. Turns out that the flukers is 50,000 iu/kg andrepcal is 400,000 iu/kg for amount of d3. So hopefully it didn't do any...
Lol I just edited my post about the lamp to say her diet/ suppliment stuff to clarify that I was replacing the flukers and saw your post. I hate when that happens when someone says what you are going to say right before you post it :P
And the container with a straw sticking out of it is my dripper that I made. I made a hole in the bottom of the side of the container, hot glued the straw so it stays through the hole, hot glued the end of the straw that is away from the container closed and poked like 4 needle holes in the...
I have had a basking light. Its just a 50watt bulb in a regular like 5 or 6 inch fixture, the temps are 82f and an 80f for the basking spots, then middle is like 75, and bottom is 70. She gets 7 medium/large crickets every other day(plus occasionally superworms, butterworms, waxworms, some...
Does anybody see anything wrong with my setup or cham? Or does everything look good? And also the flukers calcium in one of the pics is going to be repcal w/out d3 in like a day or two. Sorry about how many pics there are. p.s. she is about to shed and she just grew into her mature colors(the...
Already tried the plant thing and she won't go on it, I've had brown, tan, white, green, dark blue. And I actually just noticed that I have no long sleve shirts except for sweatshirts. I guess ill just sanitize my hands and arms really good before I handle her like I do anyways and deal with her...
What should I do when my cham has a superchameleon like grip, she won't come onto me if I have gloves on (I've tried multiple color variations) she attacks branches or vines if I hold them by her even if I try to lure her with food. The only way she comes out of her cage is on my bare hand and...
I know where I'm getting my next chameleon from :) (ambilobexambanja) $150 or so is awesome for prices. Can you choose whether you get a male or female?
I am very very sorry to hear that :( and if you do ever get another one, just make sure you have everything you will need and that everything is how it needs to be with her cage/diet
It will most likely be rainy, too windy, too hot, or something like that evey other day which sucks. But I am going to have a fecal done, and what do they test when they take bloodwork? Like white/red cells, iron, diseases?
So it is a little bit less than a week till summer vacation for me, I am 15 years old and the thing I'm looking forward to most in the summer is taking my little girl for her first vet checkup since its finally safe to take her outside to go to the vet (: