He's only done it 2 times, one yesterday when a mealworm went under the eco carpet and I had to put my whole arm in it, and the second time when I was moving a hybiscus flower so he could try it.
How long do I wait to hold her, at the store it took 2 ladies 5 minutes to get him into the little box, he loved climbing on the ladies and they had to pry her off! She had been climbing in the front near the door, staring at me, then pushing on the door to get out. It's now been 50 hours since...
I have Ty plants in my front yard, can I their branches in the cage, yesterday I put hybiscus flowers in its cage It doesn't like them. When I put real plants in the cage, do I wash them?
Hi, on Sunday we got a Veild Chameleon. The store didn't know the gender, or age. He eats 4 small crickets a day, please help identify it's Gender & age.