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  1. Chameleoon

    Care to guess the age?

    Hey guys, I got my veiled cham about a couple months ago but I forgot to ask how old he is. Right now he's about 4in from snout to vent. Thanks!
  2. Chameleoon

    Veiled cham smells??

    I was handling my veiled when I whiffed a strange diarrhea smell coming off him. At first I thought it was the cage but it smelled odorless and there is no poop to be found... any suggestions?
  3. Chameleoon

    How to get veiled to drink

    Hey guys, since I don't have an automatic misting system yet, I hand mist my cham's cage. But, I also set up a dripper system so my cham can drink while I'm away and unable to mist. Yet, I keep scooping light orange urate- meaning that he is not drinking from the dripper. Is there any way to get...
  4. Napoleon


  5. Chameleoon

    Brown blotch on head

    Whew :D I was getting super worried. Thanks!
  6. Chameleoon

    Brown blotch on head

    Hi guys, I'm a brand new cham owner so I'm probably just being paranoid. But, I got a male veiled chameleon about a week ago and I'm noticing some brown coloring on the top of his head. I don't know if this is normal or a sign of sickness. Can anyone help? Here's a pic of him:
  7. Chameleoon

    Chameleon won't eat?

    Thanks! But, should I still offer crickets just in case?
  8. Chameleoon

    Chameleon won't eat?

    Hi guys, I am a brand new chameleon owner and I just purchased a veiled yesterday. I put some crickets in a bowl this morning and when I came back there were still plenty of crickets still there. Is there any way I can try and get him to eat?
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