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    Panther Chameleon Eggs Question?

    Is it normal for panther eggs to dent before hatching? My question is I have some eggs that are ready to start hatching a one has came out already but some are starting to dent? Is this normal before hatching?
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    Mistking assembly stuck... HELP!

    Lol lol lol lol
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    True Easter Eggs!

    Wow my red bar panther laid early this morning I thought I would have been the only one.
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    Target humidity range for Panther eggs?

    I have the same question I have an incubator what should I set the humidity on for panther eggs
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    Have you seen these before!!!!?????

    That male in the first pic look identical to my male I mean like everything is the same really scary but I'm not selling him and I'm not that scammer lol
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    RO system?

    The solenoid valve will turn on when your mistking does taking water directly from you ro tank. So you won't need any water container.
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    RO system?

    The best way to hook a mistking up to a ro tank is a solinoid valve and you need a ro system that will filter out chlorine some do not.
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