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  1. M

    Pygmy Q

    I have a 31wX12dX30t glass terrarium. It is a 20 gal and I was wondering if that would be ok for 2 brevs. I am also building a 1'wX1'dX2't screen cage if that would be better. Thanks
  2. M


    Really? I read somewhere that fiscus does well in small pots. That is good to know:) Why is hibiscus your favorite?
  3. M


    Ok Does anyone know witch live plants do well in much larger pots. I was planning on using a very large pot for the plant but then I read that some do better is small pots. If that is the case then could I just burry the small pot with the plant in it into the large pot. Thank you for...
  4. M


    Oh I never checked resources :o
  5. M


    Sorry about that. I thought that I checked everywhere:confused:
  6. M

    Update on Petstore find!!!!

    The reptile store near me (Amazon Reptiles) takes pretty good care of there chameleons. The cages are small but are not glass and they mostly only put one to a cage unless they are babies.
  7. M


    Hello:) I am new to this forum. I have being planning on taking care of and breeding chameleons for a long time and I am finally ready. The first step that I wish to take is to get a safe plant. I have heard that ficus is good but I would like to hear your personal thoughts out about it...
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