Ok I got the infection under control, after the lumps (bumps) popped, I kept it clean as best i could and gave him Bactrin Anti-biotics through his water. The lumps are still there slightly, and he is eatting and drinking again, BUT, every time anyone, including me, even walks past his...
The drainage happened after I took him in. The guy (vet) told me he had his own collection of chameleons when I got there so I assumed he knew something about them. any way It cost me a 50.00 office call fee just to tell me what I already knew, not much.
Ok first and foremost...the one bump popped and green stuff came out. the vet didnt have a clue as to what it was or what caused it. But he is now moving around and drinking on his own. He looks alot better and i believe he is doing alot better too since he is moving around and such. He has...
yes the bumps are right next to each other.
best picture I can get of them right now
this is his enclosure, I have dropped his vines down some due to him not moving around very much and i didnt want him to fall.
:( My veiled chameleon has 2 bumps on his face just above his nostrils. he isnt eatting (its been like 3 weeks since he has eatten) he only drinks when I force it (driping water on his mouth) he dont move around his cage much, and he isnt basking at all either. he is about 2 to 2 and half...