Here are a couple pictures of leia. She was all nice and green till the camera showed up :/ but these are the best I can get while she's on her basking vine
Yeah we have a 5.0 repticare uvb light. It's the one we got in her first cage and since upgraded her to a much larger cage so I'm wondering if we needed a larger light. Got a light bar with a 5.0 uvb today
As of this afternoon my veiled has suddenly started to loose coordination. I only noticed about a half hour before her bed time so my girlfriend will be monitoring her tomorrow while I'm at work. She's about 8 months old.
She hasn't shown any receptive colors that I know of but has been at the...
Just wanted to know if my little girl was ready for a laying bin yet. Ordered a new cage so was hoping to wait for that one to come so I could use the smaller one for her laying bin. But if need be I'll set up the bin now
So my 5 or 6 year old Cham has been going to the bottom of her cage a lot the past couple days and has been darker than usual. She still eats around 10 small crickets a day plus a couple super worms. I think she is getting ready to lay eggs. When should I put her in the laying bin?
Leia is about 6 months now and doing very well! Eats really well (crickets, supers, hornworms, and wax worms) going to start trying veggies soon!
Anyway, just wanted to show off a pic of her :)
One of mine has hatched and it could eat my vield lol. It's wings are deformed sadly and I don't have a tomatoe plant to breed so I let it. It the scarred all the birds away
I would add some vines to walk around the enclosure on.
Also, could you post a picture of the back legs? I can't see any spurs but would like to be sure