Reading over your problem, my little guy (almost 4 months old, an Ambanja) seemed to have been doing the same thing, he went almost a whole day with one eye closed and does that "popping" with both of his eyes. Sometimes his pupil looks red???? Now I'm concerned. He's had them both open now for...
Wow, didn't know that. I've read to use the clear plastic so he's able to see the food being offered. Makes sense though....should I still change it if he seems to be eating ok from it?? If so I will change that ASAP
I already have the cage and it's set up.
I should mention that I live in Canada, it looks as though the site that you provided me has some information on International Shipping so I will check that out for sure.
I have definately decided to go with the flourescent tube lighting, just red a...
Again, this seems to be all over the forums but I haven't gotten any clear answers and there seems to be different opions.
I just brought home a 5 month old Amanja Panther boy :-) sooo excited, but want to make sure I'm providing the very best for him.
I'm currently feeding my crickets a...
Lighting Options Confused!
I've purchased a 5 month old Amanja Panther on the weekend. I've been reading through the forums and seem to get different answers to both of my questions!!!!
I currently have an Exo Terra screened cage 24" wide by 24" high by 18" deep.
I've ordered a exo terra...
Thanks for all your help!
I have definately been leaving him alone and he seems to be adjusting really well now. He's sleeping and waking with the lights and he seemed interested this morning when I fed him, guess I will have to wait until I'm home to see if he's actually eaten.
I almost...
:) False Alarm :)
He must of just been stressed and shy, figures!!
He's eaten 4 out of the cup since I posted.....thanks agian though appreciate your help.
New to the Forum!
Just picked up my baby Ambanja on Saturday and am having a hard time getting him to eat. I've tried to cup feed, actually led him to the cup many times, but to no avail! I was really trying to avoid letting the crickets go for fear I won't find them again and have no idea...
I live in Canada and am desperately looking to purchase an Ambilobe or Sambava Chameleon. I'm having a hard time locating a Canadian breeder. Can anyone point me in the right direction?